Yeialel is the guardian angel for people born between January 6 and January 10. He has a masculine energy and represents the 15th and 20th degree of Capricorn. In the angel hierarchy he is an Archangel, he is part of the sefirot of Hod, and his governing Archangel is Raphael. His planetary energies are Mercury/Saturn and he represents the element of Earth.

His name means: God who Heeds the Generations

He symbolizes: Healing and Combat. He provides healing for all kinds of ailments. He helps you to battle morose or depressing thoughts and ideas by offering you comfort. He also protects you from false testimonies and from people who harass you. The angel Yeialel's stone is Pearl and his colors are Turquoise/Pink. Of the 7 disciplines of medieval scholasticism, he rules over: Astronomy.

The qualities given to you by the angel Yeialel

He gives you the power to distinguish between things with certainty. He improves your awareness, clairvoyance, and judgment. He gives you great powers of concentration, but beyond this he will also support you in your pursuit of precision, persistence, and high performance.

This guardian angel brings you courage and loyalty. He gives you great strength which is beneficial when using computers and when doing programming. He will help you and support you if you work in the field of neurotechnology.

He helps you to understand the laws and structures of the divine. With his help you are able to live your life with a sense of justice and order as well as strength and unconditional loyalty. He is the guardian angel who helps you to control your emotional impulses and your passions.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Yeialel

The angel Yeialel will help you if you have a tendency to try to control or overthink things or if you are obsessed by or overly focused on your own problems. He will provide relief if you have concerns related to love or your emotions in general.

He protects you from any lack of intelligence and from any difficulties you may have concentrating or focusing your attention, intentions, or energy. He will help you if you have a tendency to use your intelligence and intellectual capabilities to an excessive degree.

He will return you to the right path if you have become lost within virtual worlds like social networking sites, video games, or the Internet, etc.

This guardian angel will also help you if you have a tendency to seek perfection at any cost. He protects you from overly rational and logical people who believe in nothing except for what can be proved concretely. He fixes any gaps between your emotionality, your intellect, and your physical side.

He protects you from those who would impose their ideas upon you through manipulation or trickery while also guarding you against false pretenses, betrayal, and bad intentions. He also protects you from revenge and bursts of rage as well as crimes and abuse of power.

Under the protection of your patron guardian angel, stubbornness, moroseness, pain, defeatist attitudes, intransigence, obstinacy, relentlessness, and irrationality will no longer have a place in your life. He prevents you from living an abstract life and from having delusions of grandeur.

When should I communicate with the angel Yeialel?

Time - Physical:
January 6 - January 10
Time - Intellectual:
19:00 - 19:20
Time - Emotional:
March 6, 00:00 - 23:59
May 18, 00:00 - 23:59
August 2, 00:00 - 23:59
October 15, 00:00 - 23:59
December 26, 00:00 - 23:59

What can I ask the angel Yeialel?

If you ask the angel Yeialel for better powers of concentration then he will offer you his light. Do not forget that he is the angel of the scientific mind and that he fosters mental clarity and reasoning skills.

He is able to give you great mental strength and a higher level of intelligence. He allows you to expand upon your mental faculties. Under his influence you are given good control over your mind as well as a strong reasoning ability.

Furthermore the angel Yeialel offers you great clarity and will help you to overcome any mental health problems.


Leave a prayer for Yeialel

47 responses to “Yeialel”

  1. Yaiael Oh mi angel guardian y custodio bajo tu protección y guía me pongo en tu auxilio confío plenamente hoy y siempre ya que el señor divino me a puesto bajo tu protección cuídame guiame y guárdame ahora y siempre Amén

  2. Angel Yeialel,

    Please protect me from those at work and beyond, who are attempting to impose their ideas upon me through manipulation or trickery.

    Please guard me against their false pretences, betrayal and bad intentions.

    Please protect me from their revenge and bursts of rage as well as crimes and abuse of power and reputational loss at work.

    Please allow me to do my job and be free from the targeted harassment and attacks from those firing at me.

    Thank you my Guardians Angel

  3. Hey YEI ,

    While writing you this my mind is GH my other side is SWS.

    Please help a young nigga embody a scientific Godlike Mind , Understanding And Spirit.
    Been believing 3 Long starting to go so so hyppnotice.

    Go thru my writings and Manifestation.


  4. Yeialel,
    Please hear my call. They slowly killing me and my service dog T’Challa every single day. We need your help. I been calling you but it that you can’t reached. Everyone want to steal, cheat and lie about everything constantly. I cannot trust anyone at all. (But if you can’t please save T’Challa he’s don’t deserve any of this and no even cares.) I become sick and I won’t last mentally or physically much longer.

    Be Blessed

  5. Thank you God, and thank you Angel Yaleil for showing up! Please help me through my journey and help increase my knowledge and guide me, so that I can help others and bring light in to the word

  6. Drahý Yeiayeli
    Bud se mnou do chvíle, než mne obejmout paže může, který z mé lásky neudělá nemocnou trosku s mozkem mentálně postižené, z duše hloupou alkoličku a z těla násilnou nehezkou obludnou ženu co vydírá lidi žádostivostí. Buď se mnou, ať v tomhle boji o moji krásu, obrovskou lidskou inteligenci, nevšední vědecký a umělecký talent, něžnost a mírumilovnost nepadnu, ale zvítězí. Pod tvým křídly dokončím dílo, které stvrdí, že jsem touhle ženou, není to žádná krádež ani zobrazení se ve schopnostech jiných slavných a bohatých. Pro moji lásku ke Kristu i k Bohu, abych nezničila to co musíme ctít, v čem musíme být pevní prosím neopouštěj mne. Doveď mne k němu už brzy.
    Alláh ať nás posvětí.

  7. In the name of IAO, I call upon the mighty angel Yeiayel. Yeiayel, I ask you first to bless those who call upon you with what they need most in their Life For it would bring great happiness for them to be uplifted by you. Yeiayel, I ask you to bless my family with what they need most.
    Yeiayel, I ask you to boost and heighten my senses and strengthen my Clairvoyance. I request this in the name of IAO. and I seal this prayer with the word of power, Ararita.

  8. Dear angel Yeialel give me the strength I need to go through this rough time with G. Help me let come to me what’s meant for me. Thank you dear angel 🙏🏼

  9. Oh Great Yeyalel the angel of all angels bless me and my family with happiness and long life, am so blessed to know you, bless me with wealth, a soulmate, freedom, remove any bad forces in my life, let all my wishes of traveling abroad come through for me send a destiny helper for me make me stronger again show me the way please . Thank you Yeyalel angel as u grant me my wishes Amen

  10. Dear Angel Yeialel
    Please protect me and my family from those who would impose their ideas upon us through manipulation or trickery also guard us against false pretenses, betrayal, and bad intentions. also please protect us from revenge and bursts of rage as well as crimes and abuse of power. Thank you Angel

  11. Dear beloved Yeiayel.
    Ur powers are so awesome!
    Please help me when I’m at my lowest. I am grateful to have u as my forever guardian Angel <3! Thank you for every wrongs I went through. U will always help me. U helped me so much! I’ll love u forever Yeiayel, with all my heart.

  12. dear Archangel of the Sefirit Hod – I simply bow before your glory and the way I get a sign when it is needed.

    Thank you very much!

  13. Dear and beloved Angel Yeialel, You know the best that a moment ago, I found myself in tears. They were tears of true Happiness. It was one of those moments, when one shivers all over the body and gets profound goosebumps. I so much Thank You my beloved guardian, protector and guide. You “showed up” 😉 in such a right time in my life!! It is almost unbelievable. I love You and I pray that You stay with me on my journey which is ahead of me. With all my heart, I am sending You my deepest love. ❤️

  14. Please help me find the path traveled to financial freedom health and mental stability I’m going through a rough time with clarity and bad luck I have the strength and determination to be strong and eventually I will overcome this faze I just need your guidance to lead me to the right path thank you for watching over me

  15. Dear God I think you for your wonderful gifts , knowing And wisdom I think you for the most wonderful gift of all your son Jesus Christ our brother our lord and savior.if this is your will thy lord Jesus if this of you our Heavenly Father then I accept it into my life more fully so I Open more up to you and your will that it might carried out I Desire to do your works you have set upon me and to do them undoubtedly great in your eyes thank You God thank you Jesus
    And if this not of you Dear God And in Jesus name we rebuke you from everyone ,thing and place you attempt to feed off of We don’t allow you to enter if your here to dis navigate us from are lord in Jesus Christ we don’t allow you to misguide use for your own trickery ways so in Jesus name I accept all that he bestow upon me my it bring victory in your name I pray in Jesus name Amen

  16. My beloved angel Yeialel give me power to distinguish between things with certainty, awareness, claivoyance and judgement. Give me concentration and support in Pursuit of precision, persistence and high performance. Guide me in your courage and loyalty to understand the laws and structures of the Divine to live life with a sense of justice and order. Thank you.

  17. My Guardian Angel Yeialel, thank you so much for guiding me always in the right path. Thank you for all protections that you gave me. I hope and I pray that I can get rid of the hardships of life. I want to have a prosperous life with my family. AMEN!

  18. I welcome you yeiayel into my life. You could not of come at a better time. I need you to give me the strength to continue work so I can provide for my family and loved ones. Please with all my other angels please keep chaos away from me and my family. Thank you yeiayel

  19. I pray you give me a very sharp intellect mind and to always know what is right for me. May i please remain a peaceful person i am

  20. I love you so! Thank you for the time we have spent together in the past but I need you in my life now! Please show up in a way that pleases the Most High God! He is so sweet and I need financial assistance, support and guidance please make time for me and my daughter Adaiiyah. I know you and you know know me. Currently, my guardian Angel is Jabamiah can you two please talk to each other and get along so we can be a family teamwork is needed and required in this lifetime. I need you and my daughter Adaiiyah January 9th and. Birthday is March 7th. This is urgent! I have plans that I need you to look at. Thank you in advance.

  21. Yeyalel my Angel , he comes to me at the right time , always thanks to Him.. I love you Yeyalel.💚💚💚

  22. Yeyalel, I’m so lost. I need your guidance. Please help me find my way. I have no confidence in myself and I feel unworthy. Look into my soul and bring me back to where I truly belong. And help me to obtain what I need to feel better.

  23. Angel u r helping all of us but I have some of the important dreams u know that so please help me to fulfill my own dreams and tell me what you want from me in this life of human world thank you very much Angel and please forgive me If I did anything wrong

  24. Thankyou Yeyalel, for your guidance throughout a difficult year and for giving me a more meaningful direction in my life right now, love always.

  25. Dear loved Angel:
    Please lead me through these seasons with lots of mental strength emotional balance wealth health and to improve on all areas where im lacking of. I thank you and Love you forever.

  26. Beloved Yeiayel
    You show up at the right time.
    I am amazed and graetful.
    Please, in this hour, take my delussions away. Make me strong for what you know is not for me..
    Show me the way please..
    I thank you and love you forever

  27. Dear loved Angel:
    Please lead me through these seasons with lots of mental strength emotional balance wealth health and to improve on all areas where im lacking of.


  28. Dear Yaiyel,

    Thank you for your love, grace, protection, clarity, ambitions, strength and all great things you embody, thank you for allowing us all to receive what you represent in abundance. ~ My-Linh

  29. Beloved Yeiayel
    You show up at the right time.
    I am amazed and graetful.
    Please, in this hour, take my delussions away. Make me strong for what you know is not foe me..
    Show me the way please..
    I thank you and love you forever!

  30. Thank God for everything and angel yeyalel i ask for your support and help to set up my new business.

  31. Thank God.. hail our revered .. loved and adored Angel Yeialel.. thanks with wholeheart for remembering us.. kindly shower your light of wisdom and Grace on us.. ever for.. Amen

  32. Thank you for showing up and leading me to the right path. I AM greatful for your assistance and once again amazed by the resonance and precise elements that are pointed to me through your presence. I pray to you to ask for the healing of my being as well as for others blocked and tortured by the same situation. Please show us the way and nurture our minds with clarity and awareness in order to keep our steps back on track to our purpose. LOVE YOU

    • I’m new, please help me with my mental clarity and to understand what is going on with my life financially I need help with my health overall I need help, you are a good 👼 angel…

  33. Dear Yeialel Angel of mind, I love and adore you…you see and knows everything about me…please strengthen me in the areas that I am weak!!!

  34. Thank you my Angel Yeialel for your continuous guidance and the improvements in my love life on a daily basis….bless you 🙏

    I LOVE you Yelalel 💕

  35. Beloved Yeiayel
    You show up at the right time.
    I am amazed and graetful.
    Please, in this hour, take my delussions away. Make me strong for what you know is not foe me..
    Show me the way please..
    I thank you and love you forever

  36. Beloved Yeiayel
    You show up at the right time.
    I am amazed and graetful.
    Please, in this hour, take my delussions away. Make me strong for what you know is not foe me..
    Show me the way please..
    I thank you and love you forever!

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I love Yeialel! I want to share!
