Reiyel is the guardian angel for people born between August 13 and August 17. He has a masculine energy and represents the 20th and 25th degree of Leo. In the angel hierarchy he is a Domination, he is part of the sefirah of Hesed, and his governing Archangel is Zadkiel. His planetary energies are Jupiter / The Sun and he represents the element of Fire.
His name means: God Who is Quick to Rescue
He symbolizes: Inspiration and Liberation. He offers liberation from both seen and unseen enemies. He also protects you from curses, rituals, and occult magic by giving you the inspiration of the divine that will allow you to take part in prayers and invocations. The angel Reiyel's stone is Ruby and his colors are Pale Violet / Pale Gold. Of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, he rules over: Wisdom.
The qualities given to you by the angel Reiyel
Reiyel is the angel of deliverance. He teaches you how to love wide open spaces, tall mountains, and the natural world in general. Furthermore, his influence will allow you to uncover the secrets hidden within the work of the divine through practicing introspection. He will improve your life through a study of the self via meditation.
This guardian angel is able to lead you to the top. With him as your protector, you will be able to form a connection with your spiritual guides. Your work draws inspiration from the divine and is carried out using a higher form of consciousness. Under the protection of Reiyel you will become a free citizen of the world and will enjoy the benefits of a more global perspective.
Thanks to the light of the guardian angel Reiyel, you will grow your confidence and help to spread the truth. You will also lose your attachment to all material things. He is the guardian angel who will help you in the science of behavior. You have the power to create, produce, and to conceive. He can liberate you from evil, spells, and curses.
The imbalances regulated by the angel Reiyel
The guardian angel Reiyel will keep you from becoming trapped in a situation which binds you and will also protect you from dead-end paths and from losing your freedom. This will be true in every aspect of your life. He will also help you to change your mentality if you have a desire to be the biggest and the best no matter what the cost.
Reiyel will protect you from any excess of ambition, as well as from manipulation and greed. He will help you if you are either too in the clouds or too down to earth. This patron angel can also protect you from fanaticism, suspicion, and disloyalty.
Furthermore, the guardian angel Reiyel will prevent you from spreading incorrect or harmful ideas. He will also keep you from enchantments, indoctrination, dogmatism, nationalism, religious struggle, extreme forms of devotion, and from keeping bad company.
The angel Reiyel will also keep you from imprisonment. He will help you if you are opposed to altruistic endeavors, if you live your life in the pursuit of earthly pleasures, or if you have materialistic thoughts.
When should I communicate with the angel Reiyel?
Time - Physical:
August 13 - August 17
Time - Intellectual:
09:20 - 09:40
Time - Emotional:
February 5, 00:00 - 23:59
April 19, 00:00 - 23:59
July 2, 00:00 - 23:59
September 15, 00:00 - 23:59
November 27, 00:00 - 23:59
What can I ask the angel Reiyel?
If you have lost your confidence, all you have to do find it again is to pray to the guardian angel Reiyel, for he knows that confidence is a vital part of living a happy and fulfilled life. Furthermore, a lack of confidence can have grave consequences like depression, anxiety, and stress.
If you feel oppressed or trapped, pray to the guardian angel Reiyel and you will know true deliverance. He will liberate you from anything which is getting in your way and will help you to break ties in order to move towards a new kind of freedom. Both your seen and unseen enemies will be kept away from you so that you can experience peace from here on out. He will lead you to the top.
If you ask him, the guardian angel Reiyel will help you to find supreme love, spiritual love, unconditional love, and universal love. These are the ultimate links which connect all beings through their bodies, hearts, and minds. He will take action upon your life so that the love found there is made sincere and is protected from material desires.
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91 responses to “Reiyel”
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I had a wonderful experience with my guardian angel Reiyel during my previous/challenging job. He helped me right that very moment when I ask him that I need his heart was filled with gratitude, love, happiness and fulfillment. I will never forget that moment in my life .. Thank you my guardian angel Reiyel…
MY guildian angle guild, help me to overcome my enemies and reach to the pick of my destiny.
I thank God for the gift of an angel. Angel Reiyel guide me and see me through in all my endeavors in life. Protect me from seen and unseen enemies. Cause my destiny to shine and let mebe a blessing to people around me. Amen
Angel Reiyel protect me and everything that belongs to me. im asking for blessings, wisdom, abundance, love and peace in my life.
Am happy I now known my guardian angel name. I Thank God for all round protections and gifts , Angel Reiyel be on my sides always and all times Amen
Thanks God
For this amazing gift of Raiyel i pray you to lead me on top and to overcome all my problems
Please help me to reach my dream abd to become who i want to be
🙏🙏🙏 In God name I pray
Thank you reiyel for being in my life and protection
“Let go of your earthly tethers.
Enter the void.
Empty, and become wind.”
Remove anything that ties you down to this earth, and your soul won’t be a slave to the material things of it. It’ll experience true freedom. Surrender yourself, surrender your soul and everything that needs to happen will happen.
True freedom lies within the soul itself, first and foremost before outer freedom.
I love you Reiyel as my Guide and Protector. Your energy is so special, like that of being called to battle, winning a battle, a battle of love, love of thyself and love of thy neighbor. Removing hate from its’ source. Trumpets of triumph.
I’d like to thank God first.
Thank you for making Angel Reiyel my gurdian.
My prayers
– I want to change my ways
– I want a better life for myself
– my academics to improve
– I need to gain my confidence back
I have been hurt 😞 depressed and I want to leave this hell hole. I ask for your protection amen 🕯.
Thank You Angel Reiyel for all that you’ve been, are and will be.
I am grateful for your continued demonstrations of everlasting Loving kindness. Thank you for your comfort and protection. Thank you for leading the way to the very best for my life in all areas. Your faithfulness is immaculate. Thank You for the Right Here and the Right Now.
Lots of Love always from
Help me my guardian angel to be more scuttled and luck and finances so I ban get my loved here with me.
Reiyel,please keep all my enemies far away from me,I aim to see all of you,everyone once more,please protect me always from now on,for I desire to live my life to the fullest extent,and even after death please protect me wherever I am,and keep all of my enemies far away,no matter what place I’m in,thank you👍👍
I need you to see me tro my dear guardian angel reiyel
Rieyel give me energy and enthusiasm to do my work with passion and love
I thank God for making discover my guardian angel Reiyel.
I want my guardian angel Reiyel to help me restore my good luck. In everything I do both physically spiritually mentally emotionally and most importantly financially. Amen
My guiding Angel Reiyel teach me to love and to abide by God’s law and make me wealthy
My Guardian angel Reiyel,
Please grant me all my heart desires and thank you for always being with me 🙏🏾
My dearest reiyel am humble asking you to help me restore my energy my strength I had a mild stroke and I have been Prayingto God asking for forgiveness for. Have hurt him so much am asking you my angel to help me recover. God has plans forme to fulfill . Pls help me to restore Thank you
My dear angle Reiyel,
I just come to know you are my guardian angel.
I ask your guidance, to Restore me financially source of income which I’m seeking more than 10 years,
I need your help to get all my financial loss, losses which scammers are taken using my innocence, and restore my life normal, change my bad luck into good, and give the confidence to fulfill my destiny help me out Let fortunes and Abundance come my way Thanks Amen🙏
My Guardian Angel Reiyl ~ I Pray to You today to Please guide me to the path & direction where I will be able to Live Life again with overflowing abundance of Happiness, Love, Success, Peace & Confidence and take me away from this dead end where I’ve been Lost with NO direction for TOO Long leaving me Lonely, Heartbroken & Lost my self confidence & Purpose. Help me overcome & keep me away from The Pain, Betrayal & Misfortune I face day after day. I Need You Now… I Need your embrace so that I don’t feel Alone anymore~Thank You for hearing my Prayer 😇💛🙏
My dearest angel Reiyel,
Hear my plea for help from the the dark knight. Free me from his clutches of evil,sadness,and the bad choices he has lead to me to make. Silence his whispers of influence to keep me with him in this dark place. Help me to rise up! To believe love,peace and harmony exist. Walk with me on my path and keep me from leading astray.
Banish the ones dressed to deceive me. Show me light is still waiting at the end of the tunnel for me. Amen!
My dear Guardian Angel Reiyel… please help me with the struggles and burdens in my life and help me change my bad luck to good fortune.
My dear Angel Reiyel I’ve just found out about you, I pray for protection in all that I do for myself and my family, financial freedom happiness and love. Thank you for always being there.
my dear guardian angel i beg you to help me with my problems make me a better man i promise that i will change into a good person im ready to give myself to god and never make this cruel mistake again i am ashamed of it but i have learned from it i want to live a good life help me change my mistake into good fortune i will pray to you and to god please forgive my sins dear god amen
Dear Reiyel I eagerly need your help but I want to know if I’m entering into occultism so I get well prepared to join the group thank you
My Guardian Angel Reiyel, I have always known to have an angel with me always, now I know it’s you! Thank you for keeping me safe in all those times of uncertainty and danger. I ask that you watch over me and help me get back the confidence in myself I once had. I am asking for the true love of a loving partner and soulmate to walk through the rest of life with together, happiness, and good fortune. Thank you for the wings you have already given me! I love you my Guardian Angel Reiyel! 💓 Amen
My Guardian Angel Reiyel please help me from all the afflictions course by evil and humanity that is blocking my blessings and my greatness in life to be vanish away from my life and of my family members AMEN.
My guardian angel Reiyel please help me to get rid of depression… please help me from all evil spirits and demons and save me from my unthinkable desition…save me which your sword and light of peace.
Thank you, I see the light, Reiyel. Abundance, fulfillment and happiness come from within me. Thank you for the wings that lift my soul. Thank you for the sword that forges my way. Thank you for the shield that safeguards the truth. Thank you for the connecting your conscience to my ascension and best self, I know. Thank you.
Blessed Guardian Angel Reiyel, please help me release me from my trauma and depression. Give me confidence and help me to do things which i’m afraid to do. Heal whatever sickness i have especially my eyes and guide me always.
Blessed Guardian Angel Reiyel, show me the path I should be walking, help me with my health and please grant me financial stability
29th Kabbalah Angel
Belonging to the Dominions Angelical Choir: protect me form getting sick and give wealthy,health and power to be led by the holy Spirit ,let me have a lot of money to help poor and needy sick, orphans, widow in the Mighty name of Jesus Amen
Oh my Guardian Angel, The mighty Reiyel who is in charge of Dominion I beseech you to deliver me from every obstacle on path and grant me great financial prosperity. Amen
I want you to let me know something i can do to always happy and be myself also to find the right person Od my choices as partner that can be there for me forever and let me be a great Person in life
I want to feel your presence if you’re real
Oh my angel Reiyel! Please bless me with a happy life, a husbant of integrity, a high position according to my abilities, a wisdom to teach, lunconditional love, humbleness in all the time. Please protect me, my house, car and all my belongings. May you please fight my life battles,bring back all my belongings from those that took it by force. Im happy to know you. Please be with me. Oh guid my feet, my mind, my behavior and my thoght. Guid my tongue and my lips. Let me be a blessing to the world. I thank you my Angel Reiyel. Be always where i am! I love you mw angel!!!
My dear Reiyel, please I need a divine job connection,just as it was before in my days back(2010).Thank u💕
I need to be a happy man as before.
My guardian angel reiyel help me with Grace
Please protect me Reiyel and help me find love and a new home and confidence
Guardian angel Reiyel bring me peace always. Take away the negativity and the blocking that surrounds me. I want to accomplish my dreams this year. Bring me success, happiness, peace and love.
My Guardian angel Reiyel,please help me restore my stolen Glory and take away karmic debt away from my life. Reiyel give me Joy life companion, sucesss and prosperity in all my endeavors
REIYEL I believe you. Make me happy. I shall make sure you are happy/proud
Hello my celestial guardian angel Reiyel, please rescue me from evil, spells and curses blocking my way to the top. Please liberate me and deliver me and also protect me from all evil plots and plans against my life, success, marriage, fertility, riches, joy, abundance, strength and peace. Please give the power to create and conceive. Thank you for hearing my call to you Guardian Angel Reiyel.
Hello my guarding angel Reiyel, please rescue me from all evil eyes that upon me that are blocking my way of success in money matters, happiness, peace of mind and my relationship. Also protect me from all evil plan against my life. I thank you angel Reiyel so much hearing to my call
My Angel Reiyel, rescue me from all curses, seen and unseen, from all evil enchantments and grant me courage, freedom that leads to everlasting peace and success in my life. Thank you for accepting me.
Reiyel. Can you please help me to be a better mother, a stronger financial success to provide for my family and a loving wife to encourage my husband to be a wonderful provider and father. I feel discouraged and stressed. I feel locked into an unsatisfying job and terrible living situation. Please help us.
My guardian angel Reiyel, all I need is wisdom that supersede wisdoms to make a great impact in life and become a successful person and a loving person to all people in the world and not to miss heaven. And an insight to always hear from you so that you can direct my steps.
To my guardian angel Reiyel, please give me more strength and enlighten me from the things that I have always encountered. Please give me a sign and help me out. I need you. Thank you, my guardian angel Reiyel.
Please guardian Angel Reiyel i ask that you guide me and help me heal. Please make my life a success story for others. All praise is due to the Almighty God of the heavens and earth. Amen (so be it)
My Guardian angel Reiyel ,all i can ask for from you is me to have abundant wisdom and undustanding,and as im still a student help me to excel on my studies.AMEN.GOD BLESS!!!
Blessed Guardian angel Reiyel, I ask for help in every aspect of my life, help me be the best version of me, protect me from harm’s way, result my endeavors with success, bless my womb with a God fearing and loving child, guide my paths, fulfill my prayers. Amen.
My guardian angel Reiyel,
im glad to have discovered you this day and to know what your role is in my life. Im grateful you have always been here with me , protecting me and guiding me before l knew anything about you. May my knowledge of you change my life for better. I ask this of you, to, please guide me and connect me to the bone of my bone and rib of my rib. One that is God fearing.
May you alsotell me whether the new church lm in is God given and help me discover my role there and asist me to assist family members and humanity in general. Pleas my angel help me find my new job and promotion to a quieter place.
This l pray in Jesus Christs name.
My sons guardian angel Reiyel <3 please protect my son from imprisonment (unlike he's real father) my son is a very smart boy, top of the class so far, he can achieve ALOT more then I believe he thinks he can, can you please give him a boost of he's confidence back, and direct him away less from materialistic stuff (like hes tablet) and more towards outdoors or nature please selwyns guardian angel watch over my beautiful boy so he can turn into the smart grown man I know he can wants and is going to be <3 he is a beautiful natured boy, heart of gold, friendly and respectful <3 thank you reiyel
dear my lovely guardian angel Reiyel.Please help me fight my enemies.protect me from witches,help my business to grow like never before in my life,bring love,peace and joy in my family. Bring all my riches in glory.Help me to be healthy always.
My Guardian Angel Reiyel, thank you for always protecting me. Please help me clear my mind, heart and soul from all negativity. Teach me to be more confident like you and more patient like Mama Mary. I Love You.
Reiyel I call upon you, both in spirit and mind. Guardian of mine, I ask not for fortune or fame, but for a boost spiritually and a little confidence please. I’m hated for my wisdom, and I feel lower than ever. With your help, acceptance, and Wisdom which not fallible but Abstract I believe I can once again find my direction. Hear me please and with your permission guide me. In the name of the Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit Amen. 🙏
My Angel Reiyel
Please help me to escape this feeling of helplessness and give me the strength to rid my life of this negative relationship and help me rid myself of the addiction that I feel I am bound to.Give me the strength and confidence to rid myself of it all so I can feel free and happy once again. Thank you and blessed be x
Reiyel,my Gaurdian Angel… I pray that you will guide me an protect me from those who seek ill will towards me. And to show me the pathways that benefit not just me but everyone in the process we call life. Amen
Angel Reiyel please help me up, connect me to have money, remove suffering , hardship and set back in me
dear guardian angel reiyel
kindly guide me on how to meet,connect and link me to my destiny helper that will lead me to be successful in life.i want to be rich and wealthy to fulfill my live desires.
My guardian angel reiyel..
Make my life me to fill happiness in the lives of others..please don’t let me to do me from the fires of hell..provide me with enough confidence and peacefulness…help me to do better things for me to lead a better life..
Dear Reiyel,
Keep my enemies silent and in good state of mind, so that in future they don’t hurt anyone feelings.
And give me a strength to fight such jerks.
Dear Loving Reiyel Angel,Communicate with the Almighty Most High God on behalf of me to Restore my Destiny with Good luck with Peace Protection,To be Greater than the greatest,Higher than the Highest,Better than the Best.Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life and i shall dwell in presence of the Most High God Forever and Ever,Amen!
My Guardian Angel Reiyel, I ask for your help in gaining back my once profound confidence, and liberating myself from all negativity whether they be seen or unseen. I ask that you please assist me in finding my true love, and love from the universe. Thank you so much for always being there for me Reiyel I appreciate you more than you will ever know.
My Angel Reiyel, rescue me from all curses, seen and unseen, from all evil enchantments and grant me freedom that leads to everlasting peace and success in my life. Thank you for accepting me.
Dear reiyel , please help me become a free woman and a new me to my children and family. Please keep me out of prison and give me guidance that will lead me to my children. Amen .
Guardian Angel Reiyel,
Angel of God’s light, who God
sends as a companion for me on
earth, protect me from the snares
of the devil, and help me to walk always as a child of God, my Creator.
Angel of God’s truth, whose perfect knowledge serves what is true, protect me from deceits and temptations. Help me to know the truth.
Angel of God’s love, who praises Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, who sacrificed his life for love of us, sustain me as I learn the ways of Divine love, of sacrificial generosity of meekness and lowliness of heart. Thank you, my heavenly friend, for your watchful care. At the moment of my death, bring me to heaven, where the one true God, Who is Light, Truth and Love, lives and reigns forever and ever.
Dear Reiyel, help me be debt free and guide me towards doing good to others as always I have tried. Serve the poor old and children. Always be as honest as i have been forever. Amen
Help me in the way you are suppose to help me
Dear Angel Reiyel
Please help me to restore my mental and physical strength! Surround me with genuine love and companions and guide me thought this difficult time .
My Dear Reiyel.
Please liberate me from all obstacles that have taken away my peace and given me anxieties. Grant me financial stability and wisdom to discern good from evil. I need you to be by me side always.
Help me my Guardian Angel Reiyel to return to good health and find success in my career.
My guardian angel please lead me to a life that is filled with love and many loved ones bringing happiness and love to all. Thank you!
My guardian Angel Reiyel help me to overcome my enemies and to the top in ministry, help me to get money to marry. Amen
My guardian angel Reiyel fight my Battle and restore back my glory.
Grant me wisdom for direction
My Angel Reiyel, rescue me from all curses, seen and unseen, from all evil enchantments and grant me freedom that leads to everlasting peace. Thank you for accepting me. Amen.
Dear angel reiyel thankyou for being my gaurdian angel i need help on trying to bring my family back ive been separated long enough from interference out of my control and also pls help with my health and show me the path i should be walking
My dear guardian angel Reiyel, please help me overcome all the negative obstacles in my life..bring nothing but love, peace of mind, spirit and soul into my life. Love you.. thanks 😘
Dear Reiyel I ask you please for a money miracle to get me and my family out if the debt we are in as soon as possible. I thank you so much.
Reiyel I have lost my way strength hope confidence ones I love help me in all areas I lack and examine for all the ways weaknesses and if father always n sends you please help me do all I cannot Thank you,Thank you my father for your helpers
My dear angle Reiyel,
I just come to know you are my guardian angel.
I ask your guidance, to get a job which I’m seeking more than a year,
I need your help to get all my financial loss, losses which scammers are taken using my innocence, and restore my life normal, change my bad luck into good, and give the confidence to fulfill my destiny
My lovely Angel reiyal plz rescue give me wisdom and protect me
My Angel Reiyel, please lead me outta this cage I find myself and let me be protected from evil bewitchment. Send back in seven folds the evil did against me and let me find luck to fulfil my destiny.
My dear Guardian Angel Reiyel… please help me with the struggles and burdens in my life and help me change my bad luck to good fortune.
Reiyel, please bless and give to me the confidence and courage to conquer the obstacles,to find the love the light and peace of mind. Amen
Help me Reiyel my guardian angel to restore all my good karma benefits that the evil one has diverted from me! And let the evil one receive his evil reward ten folds. AMEN
Reiyel please help me find peace of mind
Reiyel, help Sebastian attain his goals and mine also to find my soulmate. Thank you
help me my guardian angel Reiyel to be more confident and luck