Lauviah is the guardian angel for people born between May 11 and May 15. He has a masculine energy and represents the 20th and 25th degree of Taurus. In the angel hierarchy he is a Cherub, he is part of the sefirah of Hochmah, and his governing Archangel is Raziel. His planetary energies are Uranus / Jupiter and he represents the element of Earth.

His name means: God Who is Praised and Exalted.

He symbolizes: Wisdom. He offers you the power of immense wisdom which you use with a righteous mind. He also protects you from disasters. The angel Lauviah's stone is Quartz and his colors are Pale Yellow / Pale Blue. Of the 7 charisms, he rules over: Healing.

The qualities given to you by the angel Lauviah

He is the angel connected with victory. He brings you recognition, success, and can even help you to become famous. He makes you an expert in your field.

He encourages you to live your life with your eyes fixed on the outcome. He makes you a friendly and giving individual. Lauviah shares with you the light of God which allows you to shine your goodness upon the people who surround you.

For you he will be a great source of confidence, positivity, and joy. These positive energies will help you to pass difficult training and initiations, especially if these concern the work of God and the love which this entails.

If you work in a humanitarian industry or one in which you provide help to others, he will guarantee that your actions are met with success. He will also allow you to better recognize and understand the organization of the cosmos.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Lauviah

He will support you if you are having difficulties reaching your objectives and protect you from failing in your endeavors. He will also protect you from two-faced relationships or relationships which only appear positive on the outset.

He brings calm to those who find themselves becoming obsessed with social recognition and who are overly invested in the pursuit of fame. However, Lauviah also represents balance and will help you if you find yourself stuck in an existence which does not line up with your life mission. With his help you will get there!

He protects you from negative energies like jealousy, envy, and slander and helps you refrain from using trickery to achieve your ends. With his help you will not find yourself overwhelmed by your extravagant or ambitious side.

As your spiritual guide he makes sure that you do not become a materialistic person and guides you towards the joy of emotional pleasures rather than physical. He also helps you to better handle your emotions and manage the emotional dependency that can sometimes develop in your relationships.

Lauviah will rid you of any potential lack of confidence in both yourself and in others. This will make your relationships with others easier. He keeps you from taking bad courses of action which could lead you to anger the cosmic consciousness.

When should I communicate with the angel Lauviah?

Time - Physical:
May 11 - May 15
Time - Intellectual:
03:20 - 03:40
Time - Emotional:
January 19, 00:00 - 23:59
March 31, 00:00 - 23:59
June 13, 12:00 - 23:59
June 14, 00:00 - 23:59
August 28, 00:00 - 23:59
November 9, 00:00 - 23:59

What can I ask the angel Lauviah?

You can pray to and work with the energies of Lauviah if you wish to acquire greater wisdom in your life. This will allow you to have greater confidence in yourself which will be of help to both you and the people around you.

He offers you protection against natural disasters as well as any other big challenges which could have a direct impact on you.

Ask him to help you to better recognize the love of the divine within his work. He will guide you towards a better comprehension of the rules of the cosmos.

Call upon the guardian angel Lauviah so that he may help you turn your eyes towards other people and that he may foster the kindness of your soul and fill you with the divine light to share with those around you.


Leave a prayer for Lauviah

78 responses to “Lauviah”

  1. I give you uncountable thanks Angel lauviah
    Thanks a lot for your loves and protections and wisdoms and the healings
    You’re truly marvelous God

  2. Thank you Angel Lauviah for your everyday love and support ,Thank the Universe, Thank God, Amen 🙏🏼💙💙

      • Please help me to achieve my greatest desire and to reconnect with family and friends and achieve wealth. I wish health and peace to all and help me reestablish a good working relationships

  3. Lauviah, I praise you for your work you’ve done for me thus far in life. Thank you for opening my eyes, even when I didn’t want to and thank you for always revealing the schemes and tricks of my enemies. Thank you for revealing yourself to me in my monthly tarot sessions. I ask that you guide and lead me right now lauviah, get me off the drugs, give me guidance and wisdom and give me control back in my emotional self. Heal my wounds and continue to encapsulate your protection in my life. I also ask for you to grant me financial freedom please and advice on whether going back to school is a good idea. Thank you lauviah I love you.

  4. I thank God for direction to knowing my Guardian Angel today…I pray for problem solved from now henceforth in my life… Dear Angel Lauviah I thank you for all directions you have have given me since the start of my life..I apologize for those signs and directions I have ignored, knowingly or unknowingly I ask for your forgiveness.
    From this i call on the universe and Angel Lauviah to bless me abundantly,turn my pains to happiness, Dear Angel Lauviah direct me to the right path and help me attain my heart desires. Bless the work of my hands and fill me ,my family, friends and everyone around me with good health…

    Thank you Angel Lauviah ,Thank the Universe, Thank God, Amen

  5. I pray for the ending of my bad luck I pray for the money we need to get out of debt and to enjoy our lives once again.

  6. Dear lauviah my guardian Angel
    Thank you to provide protection to my person
    Since I was born
    You show singns
    In my dreams during my teenage
    An now 42 years old
    I want you to help me to fulfill those dreams
    I need wisdom and blessings and strength and money to help my family and my neighbors

  7. Dear Angel Lauviah, please bring me wealth, health, peace. I need me more of these a lot of money so that I can take care of myself and my family and the would the evolve around me. I will to help the needy. Please help me achieve my dreams. Thank you

  8. As I am reading more about Angels because I am always seeing numbers in sequence, I started reaching. I am always trying to help and has been prorecting me by 4 fires and falling in the lake!!! Thank you

  9. Today being my first day of knowing about my guardian Angels, I am very happy and I feel free about the difficulty of my life, I also want to please you my guardian Angel give me the strength and knowledge to stand and do your will, I don’t want to remain in this position anymore in my life, I call upon you at the appointed time, I am call you now and I will continue to call you till the end. I really need you my guardian angels to accept me with your grate and mighty power I, i put you in my mind and I start to carry you along in my life God that give me the knowledge to know this will also give to you my Guardian angel the power to and courage to locate me and bless, I want to put all my enemies in to same. Thank you 👼

  10. Thank you Angel Lauviah, may you bless me to be victorious in all aspects of my life together with my family, especially please us bless to live in canada with joy good health and abundance. And help win super jackpot in lottery. Loveyou

  11. My guardian angel lauviah, I pray that you’ll continue to show me how to walk in the Will of the Almighty. Continue to grace me with the wisdom to manifest my purpose. I ask that you continue to work instep with the guardian Angels who protect my children. Continue to protect me from those who don’t see the best for my life. Thank you Lauviah

  12. My dear Guardian Angel LAUVIAH I must thank you so much for protecting me and keeping me away from danger since my birth till now. Please help me out of debt, make me financially stable so as to live a decent life, help my loved ones and others who are in need. Please grant me wisdom to live through this life purposefully, direct my path to my purpose so i can create impact on people’s lifes. Thank you my Guardian Angel LAUVIAH.

  13. Dear Lauviah, i would like to pray for my life to get back to normal as i have been experiencesing something i never really experienced before, you see i love this lady i met on line and we want to be married but this disease keeps us apart. I would like to say a prayer so her and her family are safe and all the good people in the world be safe from this virus. Thank you for looking after me too. I want to pray for you to contuinue your good work

    • I pray for protection for my family, financial breaktrue for me and my family . I pray job vacancy for my sister’s. and good luck every where I go

  14. Dear angel lauviah,
    I’m calling your name I need your help to protect me, everyday and to guide and help my future career Amen.

  15. Dear guardian angel Lauviah please pray to god with your special power to heal Saji K John, who is in critical condition with covid pandemic, please heal him from this condition.Amen

  16. I pray that me and others can have more confidence in ourself for things other people say we are bad at. I apologise if I am not properly saying things I should say in a prayer, It is the first time I have prayed to you, Amen

  17. My dear angel Lauviah.

    I m calling upon you for help. As you watching me daily, you see the difficulties in my career I have. Please help and protect me from more injustice.
    Thank you greatly

  18. Thank you for this timely reading Guardian Angel Lauviah. I pray for the knowledge of God’s will and the Wisdom to know the difference. I pray for my music to be shared with all people from all walks of life.I pray for my family, my universal family and Peace on Earth.

  19. I love and thank you so much Guardian Angel Lauviah for protecting me from negativity, watching over me, and governing my entire earth life. I am truly grateful in the most joyful & loving way! I am so thankful to know Your Name and how much You Love and have done for me! Guardian Angel Lauviah I gratefully ask for Your continued support and guidance on pursuing my Soul Mission and Divine Life Purpose through a career that suports that Purpose on Earth to help assist my Earth brothers & sisters with healing and knowledge to help them awaken and find their Divine Life Purpose in this lifetime. Ase ( It Is So)

  20. Dear archangel Lauviah, I pray for calmness & knowing. I pray to always see with love & joy. I pray to always stand strong mentally, spiritually, physically. I pray for protection over me & what it mines.

    Dear archangel Lauviah, i pray that you guide my work, so that i can meet my objectives and targets. i pray that my daughter and my son for good health and protection against any evil person and spirit.

    Dear Angel Lauviah, you are my voice of wisdom. Please help me to become more gracious, kinder and more compassionate in my search for love. Let me shine God’s love to others; understanding that all are suffering on this path. Help me to heal and be patient for the one that God has in mind for me.

  21. I pray that you restore the happiness in my life, financial restoration and protection from those who seek to hurt me and to bring me down in life

  22. I need my energy, wisdom, financial benefits to be refilled so as to assist others achieve their goals, all these and many more i ask through your name Lauviah.

  23. Lauviah I am just learning of you. I’ve always felt your presence with me. Thank you for protecting me from harm and poor decisions. I feel the divine light within and I am so grateful to have you share this with me. Seeing how I make people feel is both beautiful and scary… please help me learn to balance energy within my relationships and be able to avoid undesired attachments. I love you.

  24. Thank you Laviah for being a guide in my life! Thank you for anchoring my wisdom- thank you for guarding me from 2 face relationships! Thank you thank you thank you

  25. I’m so happy I got to know about my angel ❤ I always notice how I don’t slip or fall when in fact – I should’ve. I am more calm when I deal with strong emotions, I am happy to know that someone always protects me. 👐✨

  26. I pray for devine wisdom and inspiration,and also pray for my guardian Angel to help all to see the usual light and my God help you with blessings and wisdom.

  27. I pray for divine guidance, to heal my family and every in it, for peace and wealth to meet with life demands.

  28. to free me completely and definitely of my Karmic Debt and allow my life to suddenly become one of total Happiness.

    This precious guide will give me all the simple, easy means I need to implement so that I may grab with both hands all those beautiful opportunities for Good Luck that my near future has in store for me.

  29. I humbly & thankfully pray to Lauviah for blessed wisdom on my beautiful journey along my spiritual path so that I may always make the best decisions for my 3 beautiful babies, my family & loved ones, those I touch along my way & my amazing twin flame/soulmate & myself, whom I’ve been blessed to have over 15 yrs of marriage with & over 25 yrs of awesome friendship!!!

    I pray for guidance to always make the best choices for not only my greater good, but the greater good of the Universe & all souls on every plane I may encounter, so that I always am able to leave them better than I found them!!! I pray for lives filled with abundant love & blessings for my 3 beautiful children I was so very blessed to receive & b their mother & also that they always walk with love & light in their hearts & that they too always want the greater good for our amazing Universe & all the beautiful souls they’ll encounter along each of their journeys!!!

    I humbly & gratefully pray for peace, love, strength & healing for all right now, in such a confusing, hurtful time, I ask for understanding & a universal joining of souls in love & respect for one another so that we may all work towards a better future for our children!!! Thank u Angel Lauviah, for watching over us & guiding us to all the beautiful, abundant blessings in each of our lives, I am beyond blessed & so grateful for all that I’ve been given & all the opportunities that still continue to b presented each & every single day, I’m truly blessed & so humbled by all that I’ve received & continue to receive!!!

    I’ll continue to strive & work hard for greater wisdom & an elevated, more awakened understanding of my higher purpose & I’ll always do my best to continue to improve upon the way I treat others & give unconditional love & acceptance to all & guidance when & where it’s needed if I can!!! As I Will It, So Shall It Be!!! 🌛🌝🌜Love & blessings always to all, humbly & gratefully urs, Emerald Rain Moongazer 😘💚🌙


  30. Thanks for the knowledge imparted in me. I pray for wisdom, good marriege with blessings and many children, i pray for my family and friends for good health and lot of Favour and money

  31. I pray for peace of mind..good career family.. marriage with my love and raising a family with lots of love and happiness and strength to face the tough times

  32. I pray for wisdom, discernment, patience, strength, courage, favour and grace of God upon my life

  33. I pray that I don’t give up on my goal and I work hard and achieve it by my goal date which is the 22nd of May

  34. Angel Lauviah kindly reorganise my life for better and get ride of my negative karmic energy

  35. I pray for protection against adverse karma that was put upon me by those who want to see me suffer, to be released and for the hyper beneficial karma to take control of my life and lead me to prosperity pray to angel lauviah to give me strength courage wisdom and stability through lifes trials..i pray for daily protection from harm and negativity to overcome lifes’ challenges and to have gratitude in everyday healthy living.I pray that i can begin to heal as well as my estranged husband I pray for our daughters n sons continued health, and development and that he may be able to be raised in God’s light and flourish. I pray also that I may begin to reshape my image of the future with the Lord in mind and for further revelation and understanding of my next steps. God willing. Amen.

  36. I pray for purity of my thoughts,words,actions, feelings, imaginations and heart, Please fill my heart with joy and divine love for God in all forms and mercy and compassion, I pray for your help in my spiritual practices and to protect and help me to reach self realization through my meditation.

  37. My guardian angel I pray that you guide n protect me through out my pregnancy, also grant me a miracle baby girl that I have been wishing 4. I am 30 weeks pregnant and according to 2scans I had,its a boy.already I be 2boys n I need a girl as my last born please.

  38. I pray you, Lauviah, Guide me to the destiny I am meant to know. Take the secret wishes in my heart and make them true for me. You are my guardian angel, the protector of my life and happiness. I am counting on your to make my fortune, relieve me of my doubts and sublimate my days. I wish to have my own family happiness, and find the right person to spend my rest life with. I wish to earning more money in order to support my future. I wish a healthy and happy family, in the end, I wish to die peacefully.

  39. I pray that my heart desire come through as I have always want , the job I want , I want success in it

  40. I pray for protection against adverse karma that was put upon me by those who want to see me suffer, to be released and for the hyper beneficial karma to take control of my life and lead me to prosperity

  41. Please protect me from the hardships of life. Want to be financially independent and protected from fake people showing love and affection.

  42. I thank you lauviah please help me complete my house project and face other difficulties in my life

  43. I thank you immensely Lauviah for your protection and kind mercies I want you to continue to bless me and help me get to that place where I am stable financially and abundantly so I can help others in need and inspire them but most of all take care of their hearts. Make me take care and love myself so I can show others to do the same. Thank you. Thank you and Thank you Lauviah

  44. Thank you Angel Lauviah for always protecting and being with me everyday. Keep protecting me, my reasons for living and works on Earth. Amen

  45. I thank you angel Lauviah, for watching and protecting my Mother always. You may keep her healthy always, keep her away from harm, danger, accident and any bad happenings. I love her so much.

  46. I pray that my ex wife can begin to heal as well as myself, I pray for our daughters continued health, and development and that she may be able to be raised in God’s light and flourish. I pray also that I may begin to reshape my image of the future with the Lord in mind and for further revelation and understanding of my next steps. God willing. Amen.

  47. I pray my guardian dear!!! Makes d two things I wait on be a success….At least d one, I have done my little part on.

  48. I pray to angel lauviah to give me strength courage wisdom and stability through lifes trials..i pray for daily protection from harm and negativity to overcome lifes’ challenges and to have gratitude in everyday healthy living.

  49. I pray for peace in my country. For profound love in humanity. For me to get out of debts. Healing of my body and for family members. For my needs to be met. Now and forever.

  50. I pray for my angel Lauviah to help me over all trials and help any person who is also facing a trial in this time of life and also give love understanding encouragement and happiness. Ialso pray to my Angel Lauviah to help me have a testimony this year Amen

  51. I pray for world Peace I pray for all countries to come together as one. I pray for all human beings to wake up and realize that no matter what color or language we speak. WE ALL BLEED RED.


  52. i pray for divine wisdom to serve the GOD in my own simple way understanding to know more about the will of GOD in my life

  53. Dear Angel Lauviah, you are my voice of wisdom. Please help me to become more gracious, kinder and more compassionate in my search for love. Let me shine God’s love to others; understanding that all are suffering on this path. Help me to heal and be patient for the one that God has in mind for me.

  54. Dear archangel Lauviah, i pray that you guide my work, so that i can meet my objectives and targets. i pray that my daughter excels in her studies. thank you and Amen

  55. I pray for calmness & knowing. I pray to always see with love & joy. I pray to always stand strong mentally, spiritually, physically. I pray for protection over me & what it mines. Ase🙏🏾 Thank you

  56. I pray for the health and happiness of my family and friends. Help guide my children towards the right path and banish any troubles they have.

  57. I pray that in 2days time there will be a miracle to settle this karmic dept I’ve found myself, wisdom to be able to overcome in our times of trials and tribulations. Amen

  58. Grant me the courage, strength and grace while I care for my sister who is currently on hospice. That I can make her transition easier from this world to the next. While we navigate through uncharted waters help us make wise choices and please grant her peace and comfort. Praying that when her journey is over in this world, please grant us, my family, friends and myself emotional comfort and a higher understanding of peace and love.

  59. I pray that my guardian angel gives me strength and wisdom to protect those needed and bring my life back to a positive place with good surrounding me

  60. I pray in my own work as a therapist that healing and light will shine on all those whom I work with and have deep connections to. Allow deep healing love and light flow through me each moment of each day to everyone I know and in my personal relationships.

  61. I pray for wisdom and guidance as I walk on these path. As I strive to open doors for the price that come before me… I pray for love and healing for everyone around me…
    I pray for a chance to help everyone that needs the help… I pray for clarity and creativity as I chase my dreams of being a musician…
    I pray that the wind will change directing and help us dreams flow towards all our hearts desires effortlessly. I pray for real love

  62. I pray for understanding my predicament and my life path. I pray for clarity and for others to have clarity. I pray that I get through this ok.

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