Haiaiel is the guardian angel for people born between March 11 and March 15. He has a masculine energy and represents the 20th and 25th degree of Pisces. In the angel hierarchy he is an Angel, he is part of the sefirah of Yesod, and his governing Archangel is Gabriel. His planetary energies are The Moon / Mercury and he represents the element of Water.
His name means: God Who is Master of the Universe.
He symbolizes: Peace and Courage. He offers you victory and peace. He frees you from oppression and helps you to pull the wool over the eyes of evil-doers. He is a reliable source of protection in your daily life. The angel Haiaiel's stone is Diamond and his colors are Pale Violet / Pale Blue. Of the 7 senses, he rules over: Hearing.
The qualities given to you by the angel Haiaiel
The angel Haiaiel represents the weapons of the divine: judgment, symbolized by the sword; and an aura of light, symbolized by the shield. Under his protection you will be able to build up a great amount of energy and your leadership skills will be improved.
He offers you his divine protection to help you make good decisions as well as decisions which are fair. He fosters your protective spirit, your strategic mind, and your receptive intelligence. He gives you the opportunity to bring forth new thoughts and ideas which have the power to change the world.
He protects you and guides you towards success by giving you courage and bravery. With the help of this angel you will be more receptive to the inspiration of the divine. He will help you to deliver all those who are feeling oppressed.
The imbalances regulated by the angel Haiaiel
The angel Haiaiel protects you from activism and revolution, as well as from vindictiveness, authoritarianism, and tyranny, while also keeping you safe from betrayal and unrest. Under the protection of this guardian angel you will be safe from those who hold contradictions within themselves.
He fixes any lack of inspiration or intelligence you may have, as well as any excess rationality. He also helps bring you change if you are willing to do anything to achieve your goals or if you do not honor your commitments. He rids your mind of any murderous thoughts or extremist ideas.
He keeps you safe from dangerous people who use dark forces or ideas, dark energies, black magic, or who make use of unholy alliances. Furthermore, he protects you from liars and manipulators as well as from people who use their powers to harm those around them.
He keeps you from any kind of rift or breakup be it with a partner, a friend, or even through a breach of contract. He also protects you from ongoing arguments and confrontations.
The angel Haiaiel helps you to fight a corrupt system of government to allow for a happier and more fulfilled life within society.
When should I communicate with the angel Haiaiel?
Time - Physical:
March 11 - March 15
Time - Intellectual:
23:20 - 23:40
Time - Emotional:
January 7, 00:00 - 23:59
March 19, 00:00 - 23:59
June 1, 00:00 - 23:59
August 15, 00:00 - 23:59
October 28, 00:00 - 23:59
What can I ask the angel Haiaiel?
He offers you bravery, boldness, and courage if you just take the time to ask him first. He can give you great force of will which will allow you to become a warrior of the light.
Call upon him and he will give you great powers of judgment as well as great critical thinking skills. By his side you will no longer find it difficult to distinguish good from evil or truth from lies.
When you are feeling depressed or stressed, pray to this guardian angel who is your patron and protector to return to your old self. He will help you to become more positive and optimistic while also giving you the courage to face all the ups and downs of life. He is your sword and shield, your divine protector, who leads you to victory each time you do battle with evil!
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67 responses to “Haiaiel”
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Good morning Haiaiel. May I ask for more love in the world. My angel, help us all to turn to love and not hatred. Help us all that we can all live in harmony with one another. Give me a home of my own, Haiaiel. I would desire a home of my own and a good bank account to live comfortably in this world. Help us all live and help all of us to move into humility with one another. thank You Haiaiel
I ask for your help in becoming a stronger person and the ability to teach others what I have learned during my time on this planet.
Help me to get through the illness that currently invades my body.
I ask that you point me toward my true love and that she joins me by returning all that I offer.
All this I ask with an open heart
I thank my guides and Christianne for helping find you, Haiaiel, even though you have always been there
Thank you my Angel Haiaiel, for helping beat those battles in my mind. I love you god bless you Amen.
Thank you Haiaiel for helping me on this day in all ways through unconditional love. I love you . Thank you
Please enable me to achieve the justice I seek.
Thank you God for blessing me
Thank you Universe for helping me
Thank you My Angels for protecting me 💜✨🙏🏻💜✨🙏🏻💜✨🙏🏻 I’m Greatful and Thankful 💜✨🙏🏻
Dear Angel Haiaiel
Support me and my family from all our problems, shine light to us always. Cover us with your wings against enemies evils, demons, entities. Thank you
Dear angel I don’t know how to ask but I need you in all aspect of my life.
Tarot reading 📚
Thank you dear angel to know you by one person who fight for peace and its clear that you help him!! So please help me to clear my mind, light if peace shining in my heart.and rebuilt my material life beautifuly and happily and meet my partner who is indeed divinity partner. Thank you for listening my asking 💗🦋💌
Haiaiel my guardian angel
Guide and protect me from any attacks, injury and principalities
I pray to my guardian Angel Haiaiel to watch over me as I grieve the loss of my beloved son, to watch over my son as he transit’s into the spirit world, that he is in no longer any pain, that he is free from all that was hurting him. Help me to see that he is happy, that he comes to visit me through you, Amen, PS tell him I love him always
Dear Angel Haiaiel
Kindly continue guarding me and my family from evilness and negativities. Protect us now from typhoon. Thank you.
Dear Angel Haiaiel…I humbly beseech thee to help me overcome my current anxiety and stress and open doors of great success for me…amen
Dear Guardian Angel Haiaiel, I thank you enormously for being with me, throughout all my life. I know you have kept me from so much danger and terrible events since my childhood. My life has not been a bit easy so many down of all sort. But you and God have lift me up so many times. I thank you both for being always there for me. I beg you to please help me change my life and bless me answering my petition. 🙏 Amen.
Dear, Angel haiaiel thankyou for guiding me and protecting me since i was a child. Please help me if im struggling, depressed, stressed, and help me to be more positive And optimistic and give me more knowledge and skills everyday. Guide us and Protect us me and my family. Thankyou Amen.
Dear Haiaiel, please help me.. I prayed to you so I know you heard me. I trust that you did.
So please help me.
Dear Haiaiel, please help us.
Dear haiaiel I thank you for protecting me all my life even if I didn’t know it yet
I thank you for leading me down the path I have chosen
I thank you for the courage I have had all my life even if I have felt like I would not win
I thank you for the changes in the world for the better that are about to be seen by the whole world
And I thank and love you for being by my side
Amen 🙏
Dear Haiaiel,
Thank you to bring me under your arms… please be around me and protect me, please take my stress and anxiety away and give me strength, and clear mind to make good choices in life. Please protect me from evil people and evil souls. Please give me positivity, enthusiasm and energy to be successful and good person
Amen ❤️
Don’t comment on platforms but had to share my testimony! After 20 years in a career, I lost my career. A year later after going through legal, financial, emotional scares my life has COMPLETELY changed! I noticed it first when I noticed my new luxury high rise has an address of 1515. Also, the digital key pad code is 1**5. My birthday is March 15th. After researching, I found that the Angel number 1 signifies creativity and newness. 5 represents change (a HUGE change in my life!) I am not bragging I just want people to know I made a mistake that cost a twenty year career in the public eye. I was so broken but my spirits were lifted when I got a HR job at Six Flags ($10/hr). This was about a 80% pay cut but I feel this was the lesson I had to learn…money is not everything. This humbled me greatly! With the help of Angel Haiaiel I was brave enough to continue to put my resume out there while loving my job helping people. I was eventually interviewed and was offered a job in NYC where I am able to help others who are oppressed in any way!
Shalom Sir Haiaiel
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for always being by my side,in good and bad times,you never let me out of your sight,I am more than honored to be your faithful apprentice,I know I haven’t been the best person to work with,and I humble pray for your forgiveness on that,I promise to make better and wiser decisions and avoid giving you a hard time,I will henceforth call upon you whenever I need your aid and assistance,and I will be more cooperative with your generous guidance and instructions,I love you,I’m sorry,and I pray we can now start the beginning of a beautiful partnership,yours truly Japheth
Amen and Amen🙏🏾
you are, and always will be awesone. kk
Please Haiaiel protect me and my family. Please assist me with my health and financial struggles.
I believe you have visited me in the past and I pray you will not desert me.
Thank you for all you have done and anything you may do going forward.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
3/12 🙂
Dear Haiaiel…thank you for being a part of my life and caring for me…I feel you close to me…and I hope I can give you my love in return. <3
Dear guardian Haiaiel please grant me the tools i need to make this world a better place and make a difference in my life and others . Amen . Thank you
Angel Haiaiel
Please help me to move forward in a good way. Thank you.
Angel Haiaiel protect me heal me
Thank you Haiaiel I pray you protect and guide me with luck and happiness through out my Existence please🙏🏽
Thank you Haiaiel. Please provide me with protection, money and good luck.
Guide me in all my ways
I love you Haiaiel
Thank you for being here
Thank you Haiaiel, please locate me and bless me with the luck for money, peace and happiness. Please help me and my partner to sort things out and get back together again.
Please provide me with the job I need, the house and cars. Please remove any self doubts and obstacles. I trust you and I love YOU. I receive it all with Thanksgiving.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you Angel Haiaiel for your your messages tonight but above all THANK YOU for protecting me and guiding me.
Please kindly continue to do so and never leave me
Hello haiaiel I want to be grow tall help me my angel
Beloved Haiaiel
Reassure me of the choices I must make in my path on both my love life and professional life.
Give me clarity, trust and courage about my next actions.
Help me be honest, direct and vulnerable when interacting with others while keeping the focus on my dreams with determination and optimist.
Offer me victory and peace, I am in a major cross road, show me the path, enlighten the path for me so I can confidently walk into it full of confidence, abundance, joy and optimism.
Eternal love Haiael
Feeling very grateful for this synchronicity, for having met you
Thank you My Angel Haiaiel for your proction and the prtection of my family and loved ones. Im asking you for the luck of money, luck and love. Im asking you for this man i love to marry me. Im asking for what i touch becomes gold.Thank you Angel Haiiaiel. Thank you.
now that i know your my angel haiaiel, please guide me in my life show the way remove the odd of my life and bring peace to me. haiaiel give open my eyes and clear my mind give me the victory and lead me to a better life full of health and wealth,
Thank you Haiaiel …Love You soo much ..pls help me …Teach me, Guide me,Be with me forever..
Remove all the obstacles in my life,Give me Success and peace ..
Love You Haiaiel ..
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you great guardian Haiaiel, give me strength to lead , love , and prosper. Teach me to be humble yet firm, to lead and teach , give me the strength of 4m3n and guide me in battle. Thank you thank you Haiaiel…. 💯💯💯💯💯♓♓♓✊
Thank you Haiaiel, please help me
Thank you Haiaiel ! Be on my side and with my loved ones.
Thank you Haiaiel I felt your presence today, Iam thankful for choosing to Guid me Haiaiel!
Thank you iam truly blessed 🙏
Hello My Brave Angel..My Protector Haiaiel..Please Continue To Protect Me Through Out My Life Time..Happy To Have Found You..Please Keep Me Strong In Mind,,Body And Soul..Hahou..AMEN..💓
Eternal love to Haiaiel
Eternal care to Haiaiel
Eternal joy to Haiaiel
Eternal gratitude to Haiaiel
Eternal Money from Haiaiel
May we enjoy each other now
Our bond is now forever forged
Let us be beautiful together
Divinity nourishes us always
Our friendship is dear to me
Haiaiel I ask you to help me
I believe in your beauty
You bring me deep joy
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you Haiaiel
Haiaiel;-thank you for everything! On occasion I know I have felt ur presence,thank you for stepping in&helping me so very often.I apologize for not gaining knowledge sooner! I will be better,do better,&make wiser choices. All of my love to my Angels
Haiaiel come to me and show me the way
I love you so much
Just want to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!
Help me be brave and fight this feelings and thoughts.. dont need them anymore.
Help me be focused and achieve my goals!
Be by my side and my loved ones. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Haiaiel my angel thank you so much for being there for me. I know that you are concerned about my life. Protect me from people using dark forces. Give me peace and courage to endure all things. I ask you to appear to me either in my dreams or anyway you want. Protect me my dear beautiful angel. I need you right now. I love you
My Angel Haiaiel, God has sent you to take care of me. I ask that you shelter me under your wings. Lighten my path, direct my steps. Do not leave me, stay quite near me and defend me against the spirit of evil. But above all come to my help in the last struggle of my life. Deliver my soul so that I can praise, love and contemplate the goodness of God forever and ever. Amen.
I kept seeing the time 23:23 over the past months and it brought me here!
This is very comforting
Please Haiaiel
I need you to give me strength to keep going. I really want to give up on living sometimes. Hey i want to die
Hey Melissa, stay strong, i have in the past but things get better. Send you blessings and love. Angel Haiaiel is with us.
Thank you for being with me. Love and peace to all beings!
Thank you Haiaiel for being by my side all my life. Knowing now, today, that it is you I’ve felt and received so much knowledge from, I am eternally grateful.
You showed me a life of sovereignty before this one. You reminded me of that life’s end and the bond I shared with pure intent.
I strive now, to return to you and fight alongside you once again.
You so often come unbidden. Someday, I will be strong enough to come to you in return.
Thank you for believing in me. For guiding me with discernment and courage which I’ve seen fail so many in their darkest times.
Your strength is mine and mine is not only yours but those we are connected to. The connectedness of all.
I pushed aside your ethereal knowledge for far too long. Now I accept and welcome that which you imbue within me when I focus on remembering your training.
Every snippet you show me is like remembering a long forgotten act and skill.
Thank you for you guidance and gifts. Now and forever.
Thank you Haiaiel for making my biggest wish come true! You will always be in my heart. Forever.
My divine protector
I am praying to you
Guide me through this period of life
Keep evil people far away from me
Give me strength every day
Give me inner peace and happiness
Thank you Angel Haiaiel
Thank you Angel Haiaiel
Thank you Angel Haiaiel
Dear my haiaiel
My beautiful angel
Please locate me, communicate with me, protect me from evil spirit and evil doer, show me the right path, be with me now, forever and always and also help me to make the right decision as well as the right choices in life.
I love you
Dear Angel Haiaiel, thank you ! I trust you ,I love you and I am very thankfull for all your support and help !
please,i want to feel your presence.please help in my divine life,guide me ,protect me,heal my life,family.
Please Haiaiel give me the leadership, judgement, intelligence and critical thinking skills along with protect from the evil doers.,
Thank you Haiaiel, please find me. Please protect from evil and evil doers. Help me find the love I long for. Open her eyes towards me please. Thank you for your protection and guidance.
Thank you.
I love you!
Angel Haiaiel locate me and help me to be focused, happy, peaceful and prosperous. Be with me always.
Thank you, thank you, thank you beloved Angel Haiaiel for being here and now by my side.
Please protect and guide me and my loved ones.
I love you!
thank you Haiaiel and please i want you to locate me and help me..
Eternal love to Haiaiel
Eternal care to Haiaiel
Eternal joy to Haiaiel
Eternal gratitude to Haiaiel
May we enjoy each other now
Our bond is now forever forged
Let us be beautiful together
Divinity nourishes us always
Our friendship is dear to me
Haiaiel I ask you to help me
I believe in your beauty
You bring me deep joy
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you Haiaiel
Thank you Haiaiel
I thank you Angel haiaeil 💚🙏