Hahaiah is the guardian angel for people born between May 16 and May 20. He has a feminine energy and represents the 25th and 30th degree of Taurus. In the angel hierarchy he is a Cherub, he is part of the sefirah of Hochmah, and his governing Archangel is Raziel. His planetary energies are Uranus / Mars and he represents the element of Earth.
His name means: God Who Provides Refuge
He symbolizes: Protection and Revelation. He offers you protection during trials and against your adversaries. He also helps you to discover your inner self. The angel Hahaiah’s stone is Amber and his colors are Violet / Red. Of the 7 charisms, he rules over: Miracles.
The qualities given to you by the angel Hahaiah
This guardian angel is your protector and will be by your side during times of adversity. He offers you private refuge and allows you to find calm and relaxation when you are feeling tormented.
He guides you in meditation and in the development of your inner self. He transforms your solitude into a blessing. He watches over your sleep and helps you to relax. He is a means for you to strike a balance between your personal and public lives.
He invites you to look after your inner world, but also to take care of your home in which order and cleanliness are king. Hahaiah helps you to balance your energies through reflecting upon your inner self.
This angel is your protector and is able to act against thoughts or actions which are geared towards destruction. He blocks any negative vibrations within your circle of energy.
He is by your side when you choose to take stock of your life, allowing you to calm the anger that you sometimes feel towards your adversaries.
He is also a powerful spiritual guide and can offer you a revelation which may provide meaning to your dreams. He brings you spiritual peace and protection and allows you to develop your skills as a medium.
The imbalances regulated by the angel Hahaiah
He helps you if you are feeling alone and will always be beside you to help you to face up to your responsibilities. He brings calm to those who are stressed and to those who are too involved in the way they choose to express their problems and concerns.
The calmness and tranquility that he brings you will help you take care of yourself. This will be of use to you if you ever find the need to refocus, during meditation for example.
He brings balance into your relationships and guarantees you positive relationships with the people around you while also keeping your private space to yourself.
The angel Hahaiah prevents you from dwelling on problems related to your emotions. He encourages you to face adversity and to free yourself from a grudge which has gone on too long.
With his help you will be able to refrain from lying and from abusing the confidence of others. You have the means to turn the difficult pages of your existence without leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
He helps you to recognize hallucinations and to tell the difference between the world of dreams and the world of reality. He will be of great help to people suffering from claustrophobia or agoraphobia,
When should I communicate with the angel Hahaiah?
Time - Physical:
May 16 - May 20
Time - Intellectual:
03:40 - 04:00
Time - Emotional:
January 20, 00:00 - 23:59
April 1, 00:00 - 23:59
June 15, 00:00 - 23:59
August 29, 00:00 - 23:59
November 10, 00:00 - 23:59
What can I ask the angel Hahaiah?
You can ask Hahaiah to help you develop your skills as a medium as well as your abilities when it comes to interpreting dreams. He provides shelter where you can seek spiritual refuge in order to strengthen yourself or put the finishing touches on your thoughts and actions.
Ask for his help if you are having difficulty sleeping and he will bring you the tranquility you need to finally get some rest. He can also restore your fighting spirit with regard to the problems you may come up against.
Finally, he helps you to discover your inner identity, the one which truly matters in the eyes of the Creator. He will be beside you in helping you achieve spiritual fulfillment and will help you to make sense of the entirety of your existence, including your former lives.
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hahaiah bless and protect and provide me with all good things on my journey
you are the guardian angel for my brother. He is in ICU. Please be with him and help him to gain consciousness. Please Please help.
Dear Guardian angel ,
I come before thee with my humbly request and prayer. I want you to watch over my family ,protect us strongly in the spiritual and physical realm of life.

I am in contest of a position, I want you to help me WIN , let victory comes my way and I will give glory to you and the lord our master.
Thank you for answering my prayer.
My dear guardian Angel Hahaiah,
Please look after me and my family and keep us away from harm and illness.
Help me with a better sleep and understanding of dreams.
Bring me peace and protection, block any negative vibrations within my circle of energy and bring peace and balance into my relationships.
Thank you for looking after me and please continue to take care of me and my family.
Thank you,
My guardian angel hahaiah I pray that I will continue to stay strong help with my daily day and with the people I have to deal with everyday help my emotions and spirit help me forcus and do well in college this semester
my guardian angel, pls give me retentive memory to interpret and understand my dreams. Fight my battles and protect me and my home in the great name of Jesus.
i want you to watch over my sons frank and lethabo ,i have difficulties in interpreting my dreams because i forget them when i wake up,please help.
My guildian angel hahaiah, I just know you recently, heal my mistakes and urgly lives, I recognize you now and forever

, please especially my good health and financial problem to buy my prayers and spiritial items to pray harder and stand firm with my call to serve
. So I pray Amen 
Hahaiah, I have only just found you. Please look over my marriage and children. Please allow my husband and I to be strong and healthy and in love with each other. Let our marriage continue and my children have a happy family environment. Please let my husband prioritise family over his work obsession. Thank you so much I will always keep you with me.
Please protect my child and my unborn baby and give me a courage to face all my worries
lemme be a blessing to my family and for all. Amen!!
Please protect my parents and give me a courage to face all my worries. Amen
Please protect me and my family Angel Hahaiah. Watch over my kids for me. And I thank you a lot for everything you have been doing for us. You know my situation and my needs and I know the future will be better by having you with me all the time.
Please protect my parents and my daughter Ella and let my heart good desires come to pass
Hello thank u iam graceful for the journey and ur help ..please help me become a medium and understand my true self
My sweet Angel Hahaiah Thank you for the 47yrs of loving and protecting me. I love you!! And couldn’t be any happier than now that I know your name. Thank you for your protection!!! Can’t thank You enough! My name is Priscillia Abi please I ask for your divine intervention in my life
Please check for me i’m struggling to get a job.
And financial problems
Please Angel Hahaiah come and protect my marriage and give me a child of my own
my dearest Angel, please watch over me, protect me from this battle that I have entered. I cannot fight this alone without You, Jesus Christ or God by my side. help heal me, protect and fill me with your love. I ask this through your name and all the angels and saints, through Jesus Christ and through God our father. Amen.
My angel Hahaiah pls help me restore my life,identity and everything Needed to be happy and at peace.Protect my children and those who depend on me and truly care and love me.Seperate us from adversaries and those who regard us as enemies or obstacles.Remove every obstacle in my path to peace,love,success,unity,happiness and everlasting life.Restore my confidence and selfworth and honor me again
hello my guardian angel, please protect me and my family against those who want to harm us and help me to do well and succeed in my studies and also to love my husband and my beloved son
Please watch over me and my house hold. Protect us and help us to prosper in life. Let us always experience peace that comes from above.
Bless me, my husband, kids, mother, father, kids and all those who have provided a helping hand before on my life.
I want my family to be successful in life.
helo my guardian angel pls help me find my soul mate and protect me from my enemies for l am lonely grant me my heart desire my guardian angel hahaiah l need happiness in my life
Hello my dear gaudian angel,to whom God’s love commit me here to love and guide to rule and guide me in all I do, please protect as you always have,show me and direct me in the right path to follow,help me I plea to fight against an evil or Anything that wants my downfall,and lead to real and true love (Future wife) I wish you to lead me to her at the right time, bless every thing I touch protect my mom for me as you would your. Very eyes amen..
Love this Thank You
Hello my best friend Hahaiah,
Please bring peace of mind and happiness in my family. Bring me success in my studies, help me to find my future husband, perform a miracle in business, and clear off my debts. Also, protect my dad from any danger of enemies and grant him whatever his heart desires. Help me to bring my dreams into reality and also to accomplish God’s purpose in my life. My Guardian Angel, help me to serve God all the days of my life.
I love you so much,my guildian angel HAHAIAH
I pray dat HAHAIAH will grand my long time struggling and sometimes troubles, Misfortune’s all through my life.
HAHAIAH, come and make me who you promised to make me wealthy and open my spiritual eyes in other to see proper
Thank you Hahaiah
Hahaiah my Angel will u please ask for forgiveness from Angel Yezalel for i have sined against one of his. I really need this person to trully forgive me.
Am happy to finally know you and relate with you. Thank you for watching over me and for giving me comfort in the difficult times.
Dear Hahaiah. Please watch over me and my son Jayden. Help me to reach me the skills and the strength I need to climb to the top and defend me from all the enemies that want me to fail
Dear my Angel Hahaiah,first I thank God for the wisdom to know you .I pray that you make my dreams come true and watch over myself and entire family.Be with me always and guide my every step.Talk to me during my meditation and in my dreams and guide me as I sojourn in this life and seek my true purpose in life.Let me walk in truth and access the highest wisdom.Thank you so much for all you have done for me.
Angel hahaiah,I am not able to make balance while sitting or walking my head feels very weak and light and it is continuously spining.I want all this to stop now and I want to be totally healthy.Always protect me and I want to be healthy and live long and happy.
I am happy that finally I found you as my guardian angel. I just got fired from my job unfairly. It;s been several months already and I still have no clue when I will have a job. Please, guide me into my hardship and find a good solution. And help me to focus in mediation.
I am so pleased to know your name and know that you will always watch over me and protect me. thank you for all my blessings
Ever since i knew your name a lot has changed in my life and im greatful to you my guardian angel hahaiah…i have witnessed ur protection and prosperity over me n my family im greatful for you..stay with me always..
Hey angel hahaiah my beloved protector thank you for the 25 years ihave lived. I ask you to keep protecting and guiding me in all my dreams and aspirations. Watch over 2020 decade may it be of blessings. Success. Triumph. Wealth. Prosperity. Happiness. Love. Tranquility. Safety. Development.kindness and all God made good. I love you
My angel Hahaiah ,thank you for protecting , guiding and loving everyday of my life. In pray that you keep on protecting me and also my Family and my only daughter. Guide me in every decisions I make. In Jesus name and to you my angel. AMEN
Be my shield, be my guide – in times of perils be at my side. Keep me inspired, keep me strong, – repelle the unholy and what’s wrong.
Hide me from the evil eye, weapons form against me, may they wither and die.
Be my refuge and help me be, more like you and a complete me.
Please watch over me everyday and every time.
I need your help in the struggle with myself.
guide me in all I do and ask the gardian of my son to guide him in his business ventures, AMEN
My best friend, I ask of your guidance and protection in my life, Protect me from the hands of the evil ones and set me free. I ask that you should help in my everyday life, Be my brains, be my mouth, take charge of my life and lead me in the right way. Kindly ask our heavenly father to bless me,give me grace,show me his infinite love and divine favour in my life. Thank You for your protection since the day i was born and thank you for the victory battles you have fought in my life.

Please watch over my husband. He is in need of a permanent job. Please guide and protect him
To my angel Hahaiah, thank you for protecting me, please help me find my inner peace and the life i dream of.
Please help me as I go on with my long difficult journey. Help me achieve my dreams and live a life I’ve always wanted

My sweet Angel Hahaiah Thank you for the 47yrs of loving and protecting me. I love you!! And couldn’t be any happier than now that I know your name. Thank you for your protection!!! Can’t thank You enough!
Hahaiah angel I’m Alka Suri i need you every time in life help me.
My darling and dearest friend, finally I come into the truth about you. It’s taken so long, my only offer in prayer that I feel I can ask, is that you stay. Don’t leave me ever please not to the last breath I take making what and I’ve done to my family right. And love me unconditionally care no one ever has, and we knew in with now then that. I thank you and love you so very much for all that you were, are, and ever we be. To this never ending situation of light and love that we live each day. Truly yours in this life and the next, DIRD 1999
My best friend please bring financial breakthrough to me and my family and that love and peace be restored back in my home. What ever that might have been taken from me unknowingly should return to me. Protection and wisdom in all that I do
Please watch over both of my daughters. What a special look over my daughter Isabella and take her depression and anxiety away let her live her life she’s not to live let her be happy and let her be happy with Roman.
I have my lovely nana has passed over and protecting me and a very close friend andrew that passed over not so long ago hope he’s at peice let him know I will try and help his daughter xxx
Dear Hahaiah! Today indeed I felt your present by an disable student who should I take care of her to pass her intrance exam. It was her birthday and was very happy! I wish her good result

You show me darkness and loneliness of my life. I need your assistance to see changes. Thanks know you