Habuhiah is the guardian angel for people born between February 25 and February 29. He has a feminine energy and represents the 5th and 10th degree of Pisces. In the angel hierarchy he is an Angel, he is part of the sefirah of Yesod, and his governing Archangel is Gabriel. His planetary energies are The Moon / Mars and he represents the element of Water.
His name means: God Who Gives with Generosity.
He symbolizes: Healing and Fertility. He offers a higher level of fertility for women as well as for the Earth itself. With his help, harvests are made abundant! He heals all types of diseases and offers sound health. The angel Habuhiah's stone is Blue Tiger’s Eye and his colors are Violet / Turquoise. Of the 7 senses, he rules over: Smell.
The qualities given to you by the angel Habuhiah
Habuhiah brings healing. This guardian angel has influence over all jobs within the field of medicine and therapy, including treatment and care using spiritual, metaphysical, and energy healing.
This guardian angel gives you the skill to manage and regulate your desires. He allows you to find balance among any discrepancies or disconnects you have in your life. Under his influence you will be able to find harmony once again whenever you find yourself out of step. He brings you help and support in adapting to meet God's standards.
He fosters your love of nature, of life in the countryside, and of wide open spaces. He is the angel of farmers, harvests, and agricultural expertise. Thanks to him, nature is made fertile and you are given the power to create.
The imbalances regulated by the angel Habuhiah
The guardian angel Habuhiah prevents you from having difficulties understanding disease and healing due to lack of wisdom, knowledge, or due to reasons of a unique or metaphysical nature. He is able to protect you from impostors and false healers.
He will help you if you find yourself lost in a multitude of needs and desires. He protects you from discrepancies and disconnects between what you want to be and what you want to do. He also prevents you from falling out of sync and from difficulty finding the place you should be. He prevents you from leading a double life and protects you from any discord you have between your thoughts and feelings.
For women, the angel Habuhiah fixes any tendency towards domination of others. For men, he fixes the tendency to allow oneself to be forced into doing things by the opposite sex.
This guardian angel protects you from fruitless soil, destitution, pollution, insect attacks, and shortages. He also protects you from contagious diseases and infections.
When should I communicate with the angel Habuhiah?
Time - Physical:
February 25 - February 29
Time - Intellectual:
22:20 - 22:40
Time - Emotional:
January 4, 00:00 - 23:59
March 16, 00:00 - 23:59
May 29, 00:00 - 23:59
August 12, 00:00 - 23:59
October 25, 00:00 - 23:59
What can I ask the angel Habuhiah?
You can ask this angel for his help and support if you are having health problems such as joint diseases, cancer, anorexia, bulimia, cysts, chills, and dyslexia.
Pray to him and he will be beside you if you are having kidney troubles, dental problems, pulmonary problems, problems with parasites, and more. If you often find yourself suffering from migraines, ask for his support to quickly treat this problem.
Furthermore, call upon the angel Habuhiah if you have dermatological problems like burns or acne. He will support you in your struggles to help you get through times of hardship more easily.
Also, do not hesitate to call upon his powers and his light if you are feeling out of sync and if you wish to combine the qualities of your body and mind or if there is a disconnect between your thoughts and emotions.
If you are in a dubious situation, pray to him and you will become enlightened. If you are currently struggling with infertility or impotence, just call upon the angel Habuhiah and he will help you conceive a child.
This guardian angel will also help you to alter or to regulate your desires should you ask him to.
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89 responses to “Habuhiah”
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Habuhiah help me heal me from my past help me in the now and future guide me true my journey with peace harmony heal me from pain 8 no it teaching me to grow but there is some things in my past i need to let go i love you god and il pray u watch over me my family and loved ones
Respected Angel Habuhiah, i am expressing my sincere and strong gratitude for your help which i really needed. You presented me your magical powers and literally showed and proved that miracles are for real. All i did was sincerely ask for your help and you did it. So once again i am using this opportunity to say Thank you Angel Habuhiah, i love you(and every other Angel or Guardian Angel)
Angel Habuhiah, I would like to say thank you for everything you have done for me , I keep saying signs that you are in my surroundings.
But I would like to ask for a help from you, I want to become pregnant with twins boys and get married, I would also like if you could make the embassy grant my partner the visa to come and see me please .. finally please continue to protect me and guide me through this journey of life and give me abundance of peace and financial freedom. Thank you
I appreciate you, I feel your light in me. Lately it has been hard to believe in myself in realm of my knowledge and abilities. I would like to feel smart and respected in my surroundings. So I pray to you Habuhiah to help me understand tge situation I am in and help me recognise lessons I need to learn
Angel habuhiah, thank you they you communicated with me. I greet you in the name of our father Jehovah Kanna. Angel habuhiah please heal me if the fibroids, i have been wanting a child but for years I have had difficulty please remove any blockages in my womb. Help me see the man who will father my second child. Help me in all my endeavors angel habuhiah. Protect my daughter help her too in all her especially in this crucial grade st school. I invoke you angel habuhiah to heal me in Jesus name. I would love a home in the country side help me achieve this dream. There ate 3 people in my life… help me make the right decision. Thank you
I would love to have children with my soon to be husband B.Coley. my guardian angel Hebuhiah grant us our desire…thank you
Dear Angel Habuhiah…I humbly beseech thee to help me get rid of my sinful desires…pls bless me with all the blessings of this hour and rid me of all the unwanted desires… amen
Angel Habuhiah thanks for the gift of life also thanks for health life for
Months i have not taken drugs thanks
Angel Habuhiah thank you for walking with me I pray I am pregnant you are my angel

Am here to thank my angel Habuhiah my face was full of pimples, but now I can see it’s getting better, and my health. Thank you Lord please keep guiding me never leave me not for a second I’m safe when I’m with you, please show me the light all the times
My Angel Might Habuhiah please guide me each and everyday, make me feel your presence all the time, my angel Habuhiah please look after my kids make sure that the don’t get hurt or ill. Let them know I love them and come back for them. Habuhiah please fix my face
spiritual, emotional , financial , social , familial and physical healing
all open file get fixed and regularized fairly
Emmanuel says: guardian Angel Habuhiah please help me find true love and abundance
Dear Guardian Angel Hubahiah
I invite you to come and help me heal the dental problems. And help me to be prosperous in my life. Thank my Guardian Angel.
I was very much inspired by this Angel Habuhiah. It was an eye opener for me. I felt very privileged to be born in the month of February under the guiding and faithful friend of Angel Habuhiah. Thank dear angel for your closeness in every step of my life
My Angel Habuhiah,
Drawing near close to me and help me heal the people around me with joint/bone pains, muscle pains, nerve pains, weight problems, emotional pains, phychological pains, heart and brain problems, respiratory problems, kidney problems, liver problems, etc
Dearest guiding angel, Habuhiah, please help me break every yolk of foundation or ancestral problems affecting my progress and success in life and also spiritual attack which cause promise & fail in my life. help me overcome my financial breakthrough give more money & also favour me by giving me connection to tops personnel for contracts in highest reams & also favour to my loves one.
Thankyou habuhiah for healing my nervous system and aliginng my chakras.
Streamlining my spiritual work and getting genuine clients each day.
Dearest guiding angel, Habuhiah, please help to increase the fertility in my fiance. We want a child dearly and are trying very hard to conceive. He has fertility issues from steroid abuse in his past. Thank you.
Habuhiah please help the pains stop in my body and for me to fully heal. Please let me become the best version of me both mentally and physically, help me loose weight for my health and give me the energy to put the effort in to fulfill this
Holy angle Habuhiah, please help me to gain my financial freedom and heal me from all sickness in my body and soul…
My dear Habuhiah my guardian angel please help me overcome my financial breakthrough give more money & also favour me by giving me connections to tops presonnel for contracts in the highest reams & also powers to rule the world
Dear Angel Habuhiah my guardian angel, I’m so happy to know you are my guardian angel and i want to keep researching and knowing more about you. Dear Habuhiah please bring peace into my family band my life too, please heal my friend’s mum she has cancer. Please keep directing me to the right paths of life and please never leave me and keep protecting and providing for me. I Love you
Habuhia, please help me to communicate with my ex-husband who I am still in love with. I need to know if he wants to leave me for good and start a new life of his own with someone else. I also wish to be blessed with money for my future.
Dear Habuhiah,
Please show me the right path I’m meant to be in.

Please keep my children safe & free from disease & illness.
Please help my family & keep them happy & safe.
Please help my mum, be a better mother & grandma, please help her heal physically & emotionally.
Please help heal my money worries & anxiety.
Please keep me safe from disease & mental problems. Please show me my way.
Show me anything I can do in return.
Please stay with me & protect me & my loved ones all the time we need you. Please keep me strong and loved.
Thank you, for showing me you are with me & giving me strength to be better & do better.
All my love forever & always for you
I was in pain from my lower abdomen for days but after I discovered my guardian and asked for healing , I when to bed and weak up with no pain any more,
Great to know and I am building my relationship with the angel now
Financial breakthrough my angel.
Help me to ovecome the finacial problems that i am facing right nom
Dear Angel Habuhiah, as i kept seeing the sign 22:22 the past few days i know you are guarding me and guiding me towards full healing. With all my health issues ,pains,muscle issues and organ issues and even panic,depression and anxiety of the past few years, i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know i will be healed completely in a very short time frame and i am so grateful and thankful to you and god. I also know you will make sure i make the right decisions on my path to healing. Thank u with all my heart.
God, I am asking you to send me your angel Habubiah to help me. Thank you for guiding me thus far, Habuhiah. Thank you for the happiness, confidence and growing spirituality I have. I ask for you to reveal my soulmate to me that treats me as good as I will treat him. I ask for clearness of my skin and I ask for eternal protection and peace. Amen.
Angel Habuhiah my prayer to you is for me to find a career that will meet my financial needs and become the successful person I know that I’m supposed to be. I ask for internal healing from all illnesses now and yet to come. I ask for protection over my sons physical and mental. I ask that I get married to a husband that adores me as much as I he.
These things I aske in good faith. Amen
Guardian Angel Habuhinah, thank you for bestowing protection and guidance upon my life. Cleanse me of any negative, dark, or shameful thoughts and grant me healing. I am going on a spiritual awakening journey and I am struggling to remain grounded, please alleviate my symtpoms of dizziness, sinus pressure, vertigo, body aches and pains,and feelings of confusion. Furthermore, guard my heart against my enemies and my own thoughts. Heal my spririt, heal my teeth, heal my heart. Bring in soul mate connections that will help me spiritually elevate my growt. Bestow confidence upon me, and grant me a courageous, loving, and kind spirit. I lift this prayer up to you, Amen.
Habuhiah please protec me from virus and danger disease,and protec all human in this world
Thank you Angel Habuhiah for guiding me thus far! Please guide me through my move out of state smoothly away from turmoil! Blessed be!!
Thank you Angel Habuhiah,pray for me,I need favor,speak to my destiny to Locate me,heal all my disease,help me I want to conceive twins,that which God has destiny for me on October 19,let it be accomplish,let God’s will be done in my life.praise the lord
selam aleıkum
allah ıs angel habuhiah .
ı am halil .ı want to make bussines.
can u make pray for me please for open my door .
Thank you so much for the blessings of all healing and higher fertility for me and my wife.
Praises to Angel Habuhiah
Recently, I kept on seeing 22:22 and this site leads me here. That’s why I’m here lol
I love you so much, I’m at a stage in my life where everything is clear, I’ve released a lot of resistance, I trust in your guidance, I don’t feel pressured to do anything as I’m waiting to execute any new desire I give birth with great love knowing that you’re there with me assisting me
oh my guardian Angel Habuhiah thanks so much for guiding me all these years help me find my self and lead me to my destiny
Thank you for the revelations. Angel Habuhiah, help me find peace and take me to the next level of my life. Make me unstoppable for greater achievement this period of my life. Help me through financial assistance and guide me always. Favour in all ramifications is what I want now.
To my Angel Habuhiah
I am at a stage in life where I am very vulnerable and very transcendent which makes me emotional overwhelmed easily since I lost the love of my life. Please my angel help me to overcome and be strong and healthy again to find true love again.
Hey there Habuhiah,
I was just passing by when I read about you.
I need a favor from you.
We’ll, I’m studying so hard to become a Registered nurse both in Nigeria and NCLEX and a Registered Midwife too.
And I just read that you assist those in medical field.
Please help me through both financial assistance and your guidance. Above all help me to find Favour.
Your ward,
Bless my friends and family
Angel habuhiah, I thank you for everything you have done for me. All kinds of diseases were healed and hardship time of the war were solved intelligently, you were with me even though, I was unaware. I wish you all the best and keep being on my side and helping me about showing enough skills for healing diseases of the people.
I thank you!
My guardian angel Habuhia pls help me to get rid of all stickiness in my body and also help us with my partner to have true love n better understand not forgetting my financial situation help me to win Powerball jackpot for today.i hope will you will grant my wishes . Live long my Angel Habuhia and love you Regards J Thwala
Dear Guardian angel Habuhiah please shield my heart from the hurt I feel now. Please lead me to my true love and help me to be happy, bless me with a healthy child or children with my true love when I find him. help me to be settle and married and complete my study and to do well in that career and any other I may venture into. please heal my body and help me to lose weight and be wealthy so that I can bless others in need. be heal my friend and family members who are ill. help me mentally, emotionally and physically. Help me to answer to the calling of God’s will in my life. Thanks in advance.
Dear Guardian angle Habuhiah thank you for guiding me through my life so far and I ask that please sync me back with my soul mission and infertility bless me in my financial life and thank you for being by myside
Thank you in advance Habuhiah

Please help me heal from tension headache, hormonal imbalances and bring prosperity, abundance and love to me. I would like to release uncertainty about the future with regards to Covid19 and feel more safe and secure emotionally, mentally and financially. Thank you kindly
My Divine Sovereigns First Source, Universe Center, Paradise Father, Earth Mother it is in Great Humility I call out the name(s) of your abundant Messenger bestowed in loving Generosity through your Angels, My Guardians Gabriel and Habuhiah. If you two Beautiful Loving Spirits of Divine Truth Will please Heal My Broken Spirit, Soul, Physique, Teeth, Being, Heart, Psyche and Liberate me from Self Destructive Indulgence Hindering my Ability to Meditate. Decalcifying My Third Eye, Cleansing of this Dis-ease of Amnesia so I may absorb My Sacred Heart from The Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra obtaining my Thought Adjuster. Bring my True Character, Opening my Divine Truth Connecting in Attachment as One for I AM
ONE I AM and Gods Will. I now leave this all in your loving consideration and it’s through your only begotten son Jesus the Christ whom you sacrificed for us, so we may now move forward in Peace, Harmony and Unconditional Love so we make them Gods Power.
So be it.
Dear Habuhiah I am having trouble connecting with my loved ones because one of them is mad at me for leaving and has taken revenge by poisoning the community waters with a lie.
Dear Habuhiah, i am so glad i now know who my Guardian Angel is. I pray that you continue to guide me follow the path to my true purpose which has been revealed to me and i also ask that you heal the fibroid on my uterus so i don’t have to have it removed. I believe that you are already healing me from this and just pray that you can continue to do until it is completely gone. In Gods name i pray. Amen
Thank God.. hail our Angel.. Habuhiah.. wholehearted gratification for remembering us.. kindly save the world from covid.. we are praying…. Kindly pray for us for ever.. leave us not ever.. our loved .. revered Angel Habuhiah.. Amen
Habuhiah my guardian angel, I am lost and out of track in my life endeavor,I need your help, I believe you hear, I also believe you are around me now, please set things right in my life again, I beg of you habuhiah my guardian angel.
Hi my Guardian Angle Habuhiah I call upon you for help with my health and my current situation in life and protect my family and friends
I really need a help to help my condition i want to be happy rich and beutiful life great wife and kids or girlfriend
Habuhiah help me my Angel to find money I really need this money…I’m in a lot of debts
Thank you for all the sicknesses and illnesses and diseases you have taken out from my way and my life
I Thank you for making me who I am today
All I want is to he in a good health and inner happiness I pray for
And with faith, I know you have done it for already
I was actually underestimating the powers I feel inside of me.But now I know better about my date of 29th February. My Angel Habuhiah arise now and vindicate me totally now,the time is now.Disgrace who has disgrace free me now
Creator I pray to you and ask you to send me your Angel Habuhiah.
I ask for your help in the clearity and connectedness of my mind, body, and spirit. Please clear and cleanse all my chakras within my physical body and without…within my mind and spirit as well. For the further progression of my highest purpose And rememberance of WHO I AM.
Respected and Dear My Guardian Angel Please Help me as I am in very critical situation in Life.My business is completely ruined please Ge it Back on track and Get RID of febts. Respected Angel Please take care of my family and Heal My father and mother make them healthy.
Rescted Angel Please help me
I love you
Dear my guardian Angel Habuhiah, please fade off scars, marks and pigmentation that is all over my body, help me get a job as financial or legal advisor at one of the well known companies, heal my mother and keep my family healthy and get rid of the demon possessing my love life so I can finally find love I deserve,,, Thank you my Angel Habuhiah
Habuhiah my guardiance Angel I thank you and also seek for your good support for adequate protectiom good health long life and more exicting decades aheads in my life . Thank you so much I am very grateful .
Habuhiah, I send my prayers to you.
Grants me own what is my anything that is my , which people have taken from me. Let me take it back.
Anything that belong to me should be brought back to me lives. Habuhiah, Habuhiah I summons them to you. They should bring everything back right now!!!!
Dear angel Habuhiah please protect my son ervin mitchel ortanez from impostors,help him find his self if he is lost in a multitude of needs and desires, protect him from discrepancies and disconnects between what he want to be and what he want to do and from falling out of sync and from difficulty finding the place ervin should be. Kindly prevent him from leading a double life and protect him from any discord him between his thoughts and feelings. Help him to be find his happiness in life and true partner to have a happy family. Shower him success good health, happiness, protection from diseases & accident.. Thank you Angel Habuhiah
I love my angels dearly. I’m ever so grateful and appreciated for all that they have done and are doing for me. Blessed be
I need my wife and daughter come back to my home and join family help me habuhiah
Thank you for revealing yourself to me in such a magical way. I invite you into my life to guide me as you need it, to move me as you require it, to bring me and James together. I thank you so much and I am excited to be co creating with you and to being allowed to see you! Amen.
Hi Habuhiah,
I hope all unpleasant issues will be resolved amicably for me in year 2020.
May this year be a peaceful year for the mankind and the global environment.
Most Importantly, may family members, relatives and friends stay healthy. Look forward to contribute more to charitable causes during free time too.
thank you,Habuhiah! for responding me to the prayer for “open the road for a new love into my life “!
Help me through my darkest times please help me I have friends who joke about certain things which I dont feel comfortable or sometimes laugh when I shouldnt
Dear Guardian Angel Habuhia,
Please send me positive vibrations and determination on my path. Let me let go of the flash in the pan dynamic and let me keep a positive outlook on the outcomes.
Last but not least. Help me heal my arthritic hip joint.
Thank you. Amen.
My guardian angel habuhiah please help me to find regular job.. Bless me ang guide whereever I am. I am a caregiver who find patient to care of.
Habuhiar, please heal me with my infertility and please help me with having a child. Naturally would just be the most amazing gift in the world and I would be so so so grateful and will show my child the new way of life as I have learnt on my journey
Habuhiar, please heal my body from the aches and soreness of my body and lungs. Guide me and show me my rightful path. Help me be stronger minded through these tough times
Dear Beloved Angel Habuhiah, kindly help me to find out great career, health and wealth..
Truly I thank you for all you do for so many people..I’m honored to you have you to guide me and nurture me. Protect our health and inspire me to grow bountiful fruits to share with all. Giving me a safe place under your wing. Your truly magical and thank you…I wish I could do something for you..till I figure that out..I will wake every morning to pray for your guided light and thank you every night.
Perfectly compatible to me as I am now and real habuhiah. Please help me conquer my life problems
Angel Habubiah guide me and lead me to the way of my successful life .. gave me more strength and courage me to accomplish my mission in this earth toward the heavenly home that God wants for me.. abundant and fill my heart of love and clean my spiritual living .
My Guardian Angel Habudiah please rid me of these blocks that have been put on me so i can reap the wealth, Love, Happiness & good fortune that i so righteously deserve in my life please & thank you, thank you, thank you
My Guardian Angel Habuhiah, please wide for me Josephine, doors of Fortune during this month of September, which promises to favor my projects. for this I sincerely thank thee In advance.
Angel Habuhiah, please provide an abundant harvest of wealth for me to free my family and I from debt and poverty.
Thank you loved one for treating all my health problems and for bringing light on my thoughts and desires.
please, keep my family safe and healthy, thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Habuhiah help me to find inner peace and help me reconcile with loved one
Thank you loved one for treating all my health problems and for bringing light on my thoughts and desires.
please, keep my family safe and healthy, thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Habuhiah…pls help me find true love.
Angel Habuhiah i was guided here by seeing the number 22:23. I will call upon you during tomorrow’s full moon. Also I will call sulis. Thankyou God for answering my prayers . Blessings to you xxx
Help me loose weight please
Angel Habuhiah, pray for my sister Sarah that she becomes pregnant and give birth to twins. Please holy Angel Habuhiah help. Amen