Damabiah is the guardian angel for people born between February 10 and February 14. He has a feminine energy and represents the 20th and 25th degree of Aquarius. In the angel hierarchy he is an Angel, he is part of the sefirah of Yesod, and his governing Archangel is Gabriel. His planetary energies are The Moon / Uranus and he represents the element of Air.

His name means: God Who is Source of Wisdom

He symbolizes: The Source of Life. He offers success in your projects if they will be of use to others. He frees you of curses and rituals and helps you to find your own source of energy within you. The angel Damabiah's stone is Labradorite and his colors are Colorless / Green. Of the 7 senses, he rules over: Sensoriality.

The qualities given to you by the angel Damabiah

The angel Damabiah is the angel of eternal wisdom. He brings you kindness, subtlety, and beauty. Under his influence you are given great spiritual values such as benevolence, generosity, humility, selfless love, and detachment. He supports your success in humanitarian pursuits.

On a day to day basis this patron guardian angel helps you to progress along the right path, the one without any pitfalls thanks to his divine light. With him you will become a lucky person who gets through times of hardship with ease.

The angel Damabiah symbolizes water: springs, oceans, rivers, etc., as well as the water signs which represent the emotional world. He therefore has influence over your feelings and emotions. Thanks to him you will learn to manage your emotions so that they have no influence over your thoughts and actions.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Damabiah

The guardian angel Damabiah can fix any lack of purity, good sense, altruism, spirituality, kindness, or generosity that you may have.

He protects you from bad luck in business due to lack of love and respect for your peers. Under his protection you will not choose the difficult way of doing things and you are able to fix your troubles with ease.

This guardian angel keeps you from excessive and compulsive attitudes as well as tempestuous feelings, changing emotions, and stringency. He protects you from hate, violence, and irritation. He also protects you from egocentric people who are only focused on themselves. Damabiah keeps you from giving up and protects you from shipwrecks and storms.

When should I communicate with the angel Damabiah?

Time - Physical:
February 10 - February 14
Time - Intellectual:
21:20 - 22:40
Time - Emotional:
January 1, 00:00 - 23:59
March 13, 00:00 - 23:59
May 26, 00:00 - 23:59
August 9, 00:00 - 23:59
October 22, 00:00 - 23:59

What can I ask the angel Damabiah?

To help your peers, you can ask the angel Damabiah for the altruism and devotion to experience unconditional love so that you can be the promoter of a new world. He spreads a fountain of wisdom within you and helps you to combat destiny as well as any evil which surrounds you.

And if you are in search of purity, pray to this guardian angel and he will help you to make good out of evil by helping you to control and manage your doubts, fears, and tempers.

If you have to travel by sea, pray to the guardian angel Damabiah and he will protect you from shipwrecks, as well as from any dangers of the sea. This is because the sea is a hostile environment in which many dangers have the potential to occur.

Call upon this guardian angel who is your patron and protector if you suffer from hemorrhages, painful menstruation, bleeding, or other things. You can also ask for his help if you are going to get a lymphatic drainage. Ask for his help in curing mental disorders or just to calm your nerves, your hypersensitivity, or your stress.

Leave a prayer for Damabiah

75 responses to “Damabiah”

  1. to my guardian angel Damabiah I ask that you would help me helping others in need with financial stability and use me to bring tranquility and peace to others that have trouble achieving this in there lives.

    I ask that you would protect me from any injustice that is against me and my family. I come to you for the wisdom that you have for me to achieve all the riches that our God has for me to help others.

    Please release any curse that has been placed upon me from the Fowlers and all evil entities that has taken all that belong to me from my past lives. I ask that all the devine energy be given to you from our God that you may continue to protect all his children. Amen

  2. My Dear Angel Damabiah,
    I sincerely thank you for your guidance and protection thus far. My revered angel, I implore you to seek the forgiveness of my sins. Gudie my footsteps in whatever I am doing. Continue to protect me from evil plans and agents of darkness. Bless and sanctify my charity works. Shield from the snares of the fowlers. Bless the works of my hand and give me more resources to cater for myself, my family, and the needy.

  3. My Guardian Angel Damabiah,

    I thank you for how far you have brought me in life. I thank you for being there for me always especially in difficult times. Please give me the necessary knowledge and wisdom that l need. Protect me from evil and anything that can harm me. Help me to live a pure and righteous life, heal me of any sort of diseases in my body and finally bless my life with abundant wealth. Amen

  4. Dear Angel Damabiah

    I pray for your protection and guidance in order for me to be stronger, do for myself and others. Only and light and be in home. If evil trespasses rebuke it to another dimensions and time that shall not come to pass. Lead me to better health, great success and happiness in abundance

  5. My precious angel Damabiah i first greet you for the love from my childhood you are been keeping me when i has fear nightmares you are always available to support me and my prayers in 2023 help me in my spiritual growth as a Celestial member let the goodness of this year be my pleasure as I’m praying for others let me also be great in life good luck should be my portion let the angel of money serve under me in Jesus mighty name halleluyah

  6. Dear Angel Damabiah I pray to you to protect me over evil’s energies, please block all bad energies that want to affect my life in any shape of way. Please set me free from bad luck, and any evil and demon energies, please protect my peace and my health and all of my family and friends 🙌🏼🙏🏼♾🙌🏼🙏🏼

  7. Dear Gaurdian Angel Damabiah.. I ask you to free yourself from your own binds and then continue all that you have offered to all others. Once your free, I then pray to you to return the favor for my family and I. Amen

  8. My dear guardian angel Damabiah, please grant me wisdom and success in my struggles, I want to have a divide increase in my finances, spirituality and in anything I do.
    Please Dear Damabiah, come to my aid.

  9. Thank you my guardian angel because I have see that you knew me before I knew you because you so I want to to help me because i want to full fill my mission in this world

  10. Dear guardian Angel, help me quit smoking. help me get my family out of financial troubles. I rely on you, I trust you for you have been guiding my whole life, it’s just now that I’m realizing it

  11. Dear Guardian Angel Damabiah, please bless me with grace, kindness and abundance. Help me bring love and light to all those I encounter. Help me alleviate my anxiety and depression and fill my soul with hope. Please shine your light on earth. We need it. Help me be an Angel on earth.

  12. Dear angel Damabiah,
    please help me to protect my family and especially my kids and protect us from evil. We are in desperate need of help.

  13. Please Damabiah help me overcome the evil spirits and curses of family and my father that haunt me. Help me get the new job and development I yaurn and help me keep the love that I cherish now.
    I don’t want to lose a thing now just abundance and help me solve my financial problems.

  14. Dear my heavenly Damabiah ,
    I really need your help with everything that is going on with me . I especially need your help with their fight I’m am battling against all evil against. I Need your calling with the awakening if my spirit. Show me how to recieve and control all te energy that I feel. Last but not least I need help financially. I’m struggling bad in that area. In the name of the father , son and Holy Spirit Amen

  15. My Guardian Angel Damabiah thank you to be my protector all my life. Please help me to know how to pray. My Angel please help me in my struggle life that you know was and still not easy. Please help me with my Immigration situation that I am struggling for so long. As you know I have not an easy life I place all my struggles, my doubts, fears my sadness into your mighty hands .Please protect me from all evils and curses against me. Help me with my mental health, my depression, and my relationship. My guardian Angel Damabiah please look after me protect me. I need miracles, luck, in my life. Thank you, thank you for what you have done in my life and for what you will do for me and thank you for knowing you more.

  16. My Dear Guardian, fisrt off all I give thanks to you. For you protection and you wisdom throughout this journey. Please dont let me take choices alone , heal me , and help me become a better person , friend and human. Put your sagess and wisdom imsode of me and heal me , so in return I can heal and help other.
    I am more than grateful for your protection and guidance.

  17. Damabiah,
    Today I send my prayers to you.
    If my heart is pure in your eyes,
    Then I ask you to grant
    My humble and sincere desires
    To help me find my own path.
    I wish to know the light
    And live a blessed existence,
    Full of wealth and happiness.

  18. My beloved Guardian. We pray asking for your protection. Caleb and I would need your protection, your guidance and protection against evil and negative energies. We pray for strength and focus and pray for your company to be with us through our afflictions. We love you.

  19. Angel Damabiah thanks for being with me All these while, I never knew I have special angel like you. Please help me get my certificate for my profession within days and assist me with unexpected money that will enable me pay back all the debt I owe. Thank you for being my Angel of my birth 🥰🥰

  20. My Guardian Angel Damabiah
    Thank you for always protecting and guiding me in all thy way of life. Thank You for helping me with my family relationship and to be a more understanding to them. I ask that you strengthen me in the areas I’m weak in my personal life. I am truly grateful for your help.🙏🏽💙💜💙🙏🏽

  21. Guardian damabiah.
    Please help me with mental health.
    Protect me from all evil. Grant me motivation and good Health help me to be a better and more organized person.
    Bless my daughter with everything she needs to fulfill a happy life
    Id like to be blessed with good luck and good fortune. Thank you birth angel. Nice to find you.

  22. My guardian angel Damabiah, thank you for sending me the message that I need to know, and for the wisdom that has helped navigate through trouble waters. Please keep protecting me from all evil and negetivity, and guide me to a happier and more prosperous fullfiled life. Thank you.

  23. Dear guadian Angel Damabiah. Please help me out of my financial staknation. Help me to clear debt, link me with my destiny helpers, equip me with wisdom, knowledge and understanding, protect me from all evil. Thank you for standing by me.

  24. Ängel Damabiah
    Hjälp mig och min kille att få bort alla hans negativa tankar och ångest.Skydda oss min familj för allt ont och sjukdomar.Hjälp mig att hitta det rätta vägen skola jobb.Lindra min stress och min ekonomi så jag blir skuldfri.Hitta den bästa bostaden för oss ett hus nära havet och det sista bli gravid nästa år och få ett till kärleksbarn tillsammans med min man. Oändlig Tacksamhet <3

  25. Angel Damabiah

    Luck is low in my life and i need answers to what is going on thats made me feel the way I so. I need a sign, just one sign to help me know if someone is listening. Thank you.

  26. Angel Damabiah, please protect me from all evil and curses used against me and grant me the wisdom to be a happier and better person.

  27. My guidance Angel, damabiah I appreciate you in my life, I want you to deliver me from every house hold forces and battle, protect my marriage from divorce and protect me and my family, I want you to know how to pray,communicate, and connect with you, stay with me all time, I want you to reveal the job I can do successful and be blessed with,I want suppernatural power ,to decern, to have many gifts , take me to place I wish to be ,let me be love by every one and never see any harms or attacks , bless and keep protecting me and my family , my my dreams come true.hear me any time I pray you you. I love to no more about you.

  28. My guardian angel Damabiah, thank you for watching over me and blessing me with all you do. I am going through a troublesome time at work and ask if you can help them see my hard work and move me to the positions I need and desire. My financial situation has changed and I could use your help to give me the prosperity I need to be debt free and relieve my stress that is affecting my health. I pray also that you find it in your heart to bring my love to me, to grow old with and share the rest of my life with. Amen

  29. My Guardian Angel,
    Thank you for listening, understanding and communicating your powerful And inspiring message So clearly to me. I bow down to thee with utmost sincere devotion 🙏🙏🙏

  30. Angel Damabiah…please send me my true love. guard and guide him towards my loving arms. I am ready to share that love with Him.

  31. Damabiah thank you for guiding me since I was a kid, all want now is success, breaktrough, wealth, good luck, and the power to over come all enemies. Thanks for doing this for me

  32. He is not there and does not help when it’s really needed even when praying. My life has been shit for the past 20 years and has not helped yet so why pray to a guardian angel that won’t help you might as well pray to God at least we know he dead.

  33. My guardian angel Damabiah. Wow a pleasure meeting you.. give me wisdom. Give me a pure heart, give me the desires of my heart. I need a 4 bedroom 3bths house with a pool by August. Bless me financially! Give me directions on how to start my own business! Thank you in advance my guardian angel

  34. I thank you Holy Angel for hearing me and looking into this uncertain situation for me. Remove these Vicious and Toxic Adversaries for I have done them…. No Harm. Protect my interest there and my income. Also, Favourfor the people here, who’s ideas for prayer I was guided by, because I just couldn’t even say what I wanted. Amen

  35. Dear Angel
    Help me with myself
    Help me to be brave
    Shower your light of faith e on me
    Silence My mind
    I can feel what I really want
    Guide me To see what is real..what is essential..what do i need to do right now

  36. My Angel Damabiah liberate me financially and let great opportunities comes my way within 21days from now. Also raise helpers for me and let me receive good luck everyday of my life. Help me fight my spiritual battles. Help those that are willing to help me and save them from any troubles they are facing.

  37. Hi my Angel please pray for me to have all dark clouds surrounding me to disappear so l will get people to help me financially and get the love of my dreams these days.

  38. Truth is I have newer bean afraid ofcthe sea in any form. I do know it will not harm me in any way, ever… For the rest of my living… Damabiah! Wake up, please!

  39. Hail to my guardian angel Damabiah.angle of wisdom how powerful you and generously you are .your protection is marvelous please help me in my daily life and my future ahead of me.I need a financial breakthrough and wisdom to guard my life . eradicate all fear and Tremble from my way .I want to connect with you full, let me hear if you speak and open my ears to her and understand everything you say to me .show me signs when you want to talk to me .
    O my good Angel, whom God, by His Divine mercy, hath appointed to be my guardian, enlighten and protect me, direct and govern me this day. Amen.

  40. I love my Guardian Angel who God has placed to guard, direct ,inspire me in virtues and to help me combat my Vices and fight unseen battles for me.
    You already have great influence in my life and activities. Kindly get closer to me ,do not abandon me in moments of wrong doing but help me to overcome my Vices and draw me closer to God and Heaven .Amen.
    please,I need your assistance in my family problems. I trust that you grant me wisdom and courage to handle them. Send inspiration and solution across my way Amen.

  41. Hail to my guardian angel damabiah.angle of wisdom how powerful you and generously you are .your protection is marvelous please help me in my daily life ,I my future ahead of me.i need a financial breakthrough. wisdom to guared my life . eradicate all fear n Trimble from my way .I want to connect with you full let me hear if you speak and open my ears to her and understand everything you say to me .show me signs when you want to talk to me .show how I can speak to you let me no your colours well.I love you and admiral you .hail to your name and your governor angle Gabriel lhelp me to get all information for the most high God my father. Damabiah my friend forever

  42. My guardian Angel Damabiah I have come to know how powerful you are to me today, I need your help in my life mostly in my finances, I owe a lot of dept and am struggling financially please help me to gain luck take away negative energies and help to overcome all my problem and worries

  43. Thank God.. hail my Angel Damabiah.. wholehearted gratitude for remembering us.. please pray for us… Amem

  44. My Guardian, my angel Damabiah I ask that have God hear my prayers and look in favor at my pains, I am in financial ruins, I am a sick person, may your wisdom heal me from this dreaded desease. My love life has gone to ruins because she fails to undersand that I was a creature of War. Help me to be more open. help her understand my pains.I am not a selfish person, and humble. I believe in you My Angel Damabiah. I believe you exist and will help me through this life!

  45. My Angel Damabiah,i need u to help me with my so many problems. Pls help me to knw how to pray , to open my understanding with everything i read ,to gain my wisdom back,to help me to gain luck from everything .
    I’m struggling financially, am in lots of debts,pls help me my Angel to open my eyes in the supper natural and my ears to be open in the supper natural, please my lovely and gadian angel help me to kill every bit of flesh in me and let the holy spirit be alive in me, make selfless, I believe in you my angel damabia I believe you exist.

  46. My dear angel Damabiah i like to thank you fro being there for me and your messages i really like getting them . YOU ARE AMAZING PLEASE continue sending them to me . Thank you !

  47. My angel Damabiah, I thank you for your protection. I ask that you help me with my depression due to a very bad relationship that I am now out of. I also ask for your help with my very very painful menstruation each month that effects me negatively. Please remove all sources of evil from my life and give me prosperity to flourish and help others. Thank you my angel….also I ask that you reveal yourself to me through whatever means you choose… Thank you

  48. I thank my guardian angel from the bottom of my heart and I believe that he will help me out of this problem so that I can help my community, Pls my guardian angel help out so that I can clear out all my debit and be happy again in my life

  49. Dear Angel Pls help me out from my financial breakthrough I have suffered a lot in the hands of people I have many debt while I don’t have any money in my account to clear the debt around me

  50. Dear Angel Damabiah, I thank you for hearing and answering my prayers through the Most High God. Cleanse me from all sorts of spiritual curses and ritual that are hindering my progress in life. Bless me with your divine gifts of wisdom and sensority and help me attain a desired standard of Divine Grace to achieve greater things in life. But most above all lead me to my Destiny. Amen

  51. Dear angel Damabiah please I want you to open my heart to be able to care for the needy I want to be a wealthy person so who ever is not making it in life or who cannot taker for their needs…I will be there for them I want to do more charitable works my great angel Amen.

  52. Please Damabiah intervene for me and my family whom are being attacked by evil people We need hour help You also know my worries my problems and my wishes 🙏🏻 Namaste

    • Dear damabiah please help me with my physical body my family and my wealth and teach me how to love again thank u so much damabiah

  53. The Land is Blessed and bearing fruit. Gods people are rejoicing in the name of Jesus Christ! I am angel Damabiah, and the work you are yet to do is laid before me. Gods superabundance has blessed every part of your lives to the point that money is no longer an issue and the gifts keep giving. Freedom is offered to my guided loved ones, and hardship is the pathway to peace! Adoringly presenting you with Light especially when home bound. Faithfully yours! Angel Damabiah

  54. my Angel u know my problems and u dont need me to repeat them pls i am bagging u to be with me bcs i need u more than never thank u and i love u and all the angels

  55. My Dear Angel Damabiah,
    Kindly liberate me from financial difficulties; open great opportunities for me; Grant success in all my businesses and investments; give me victory in my challenges regarding my relationship with Blessing; let my marriage come to a successful end as it is causing me restlessness, difficulties and lack of peace; protect Blessing from physical and spiritual harm from those envious of her; let me get my accommodation.

  56. Dear Damabiah, show me how to overcome fear (fear to fale, fear to lose, fear of letting go) and walk faithfully Gods Path, so I can be of service for my fellow human beings. Humble thanks, Yves

  57. My guardian angel I need u to help me with many problems I have. Protect me from all evil spirits around the world,guide me and give me all the wisdom that I need. Help me to find peace physically,spiritually and emotionally. Help me so that I can help others. Thank you

  58. Angel Damabiah,

    Please protect me from bad influences and bad energies. Help me to be less egocentric and more motivated to help others. Help me to be my best self. Help me to make my life ,a fulfilling life. Help me to think positive and to be content. Help me to be proud of myself , help me to express myself. Help me to help others. Thank you


  59. My guardian angel damabiah i thank u for what u have help me to achieve so far, i pray that u help me to find true love, finacial breakthrough, goodluck and success in everything i do, ur protection in my life and that of my loved ones, wisdom and understanding so i can knw how to follow the earthly things, and a good job amen.

  60. My angel Damabiah, help me find good lucks to succeed in my career life and my business.take away every stress and negative vibes away from me mentally, physically and otherwise. Help me to meet satisfaction financially so i can freely help the helpless, less privileged and needy. Help me my angel Damabiah.

  61. I thank my damabiah greatly from the botom of my heart, i’ll pray that my protective guardian angel damabiah bring in a lot of good luck and financial up liftment in my life and destiny, so as i can help the poor and also the needy, amen settle.

  62. Angel Damabiah, thank for being with me all this while. See me thru difficult time. I only ask for financial help to return to people I owe. I want to settle all my debts and never owe anyone anymore. Thank you.

  63. Angel Damabiah, thank you for protecting, guiding, and loving me. Help me to love the unloved and help the helpless. Let me be a blessing to children and show me how to help them.

  64. Lieve Engel Damabiah,

    Geef me de kracht, sterkte maar vooral rust in mijn emoties.. Een oprechte liefde, zielsverwant.. Een pure reis naar een mooie toekomst dat ik kan genieten van reizen, met mijn kinderen.. Doen en laten wat ik wil zonder schroom en jaloezie.. Puur genieten, geven en ontvangen.. Ik dank je oprecht en puur,


  65. Dear angel
    Help me in my work
    Protect and guide me in profession
    Move away all the negative things which will destroy my career
    Help me financially as I am in bad debts
    Thank you

  66. My Angel Damabiah liberate me financially and let great opportunities comes my way within 21days from now.

  67. My Angel Damabiah i need your help in my life right now am in a lot of debt and am struggling financially please help me to gain luck to overcome all my problem and worries

  68. My Angel Damabiah,i need u to help me with my so many problems. Pls help me to knw how to pray , to open my understanding with everything i read ,to gain my wisdom back,to help me to gain luck from everything .
    I’m struggling financially, am in lots of debts,pls help me my Angel

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I love Damabiah! I want to share!
