Chavakhiah is the guardian angel for people born between September 13 and September 17. He has a feminine energy and represents the 20th and 25th degree of Virgo. In the angel hierarchy he is a Power, he is part of the sefirah of Geburah, and his governing Archangel is Camael. His planetary energies are Mars / Saturn and he represents the element of Earth.

His name means: God Who Brings Joy.

He symbolizes: Forgiveness and Harmony. He offers you peace between you and your family members and allows you to reach a friendly compromise on issues concerning inheritance. He will also help you to develop your capacity to forgive others. The angel Chavakhiah's stone is Black Tourmaline and his colors are Turquoise / Orange. Of the 7 kingly attributes, he rules over: The Globe of the World.

The qualities given to you by the angel Chavakhiah

The angel Chavakhiah is the angel of peace. He brings this peace to Earth to help create a fairer and more balanced world. His goal is a return to the lost paradise. He helps to reconcile men in order to create stronger ties between them.

He is the mediator and arbitrator who can bring reconciliation in case of conflicts at the heart of a family such as during the sharing of assets, inheritance, or gifts. With the help of this angel, family relationships will therefore become more harmonious. He brings you confidence as well as his help and support and it is through these means that he can be of help to a family. He fosters an awareness of the sacred importance of family ties.

He is also the angel of the human and social sciences. Chavakhiah has the capacity to bring out the ancient wisdom that lies within each of us. With his help, loyalty will be paid back and services offered to others will be greatly appreciated.

The imbalances regulated by the angel Chavakhiah

Under the protection of the angel Chavakhiah, family concerns, all kinds of arguments, and disputes will become rare at the heart of your family. If you are having conflicts and difficulties related to inheritance, ask for his help and he will shine his light upon you so that your family ties can become stronger. Calling upon the angel Chavakhiah will also allow you to resolve any problems relating to ancient family traditions with ease.

Furthermore, this patron angel is able to help you in overcoming hereditary diseases. He does not approve of forced marriages and hates people who want to please their family at any cost. Under the influence of the angel Chavakhiah, all emotional and material dependencies shall be overcome.

He will also keep you from feelings of envy, betrayal, and most of all jealousy. His presence will help you to avoid possessiveness and unhealthy and excessive attachment. He will also help to prevent any desire to take control over others. By his side, selfishness will become a thing of the past.

In your social life, he helps you to avoid disruption and disorder. He dislikes humanitarian problems and offers a lot of support in cases of unjust proceedings while also helping you to avoid ruin, racism, nationalism, sectarianism, narrow-mindedness, and bigotry.

When should I communicate with the angel Chavakhiah?

Time - Physical:
September 13 - September 17
Time - Intellectual:
11:20 - 11:40
Time - Emotional:
February 11, 00:00 - 23:59
April 25, 00:00 - 23:59
July 9, 00:00 - 23:59
September 21, 12:00 - 23:59
September 22, 00:00 - 23:59
December 3, 00:00 - 23:59

What can I ask the angel Chavakhiah?

The angel Chavakhiah symbolizes world peace, especially on the family level. You can call upon him if your family is going through problems of succession or inheritance and he will show you the way by lighting the path towards the resolution of family concerns. All this is possible thanks to his ability to strengthen the ties within a family.

You should also not hesitate to call upon his power to improve your relationship with your parents. He offers his help and support in cases of conflict by providing reconciliation. This is in order to allow for us to live in a more peaceful world.

The angel Chavakhiah is also the angel of fidelity, which is a vital asset towards living a more harmonious and peaceful life. Here we are talking about all different kinds of fidelity: fidelity between a couple, a family, a group of friends, and within an institution, as well as fidelity towards one’s ideas and principles.


Leave a prayer for Chavakhiah

28 responses to “Chavakhiah”

  1. Thank you Chavakhiah I understand who you are now and I’m in a place where I’m finding myself and my worth keep guiding me in the right direction and keep me on track also be with me along the way on my journey and keep my path lit up for me bless me with money,a healthy relationship with my family and with my work help me the my current situation also with what I have going on thank you again

  2. I call upon my angle Chavakhiah
    Thank you for all that you have already done for me and all that you are still doing. Your light is always needed in my life mow that I am aware of your name I am grateful for your guidance and love and I ask you to deepen your connection to me and guide in the aspect sof my life you gobernr for my highest good and in extension to all Asè.
    Give thank to my beloved Angel

  3. My Dear Guardian angel CHAVAKHIAH,

    Now I finally know you that you are my guardian angel, I hope that my prayers heard by Our Lord God through you…I think you know what deep inside of me and my true desire in life, my mission and success, I will lay unto you.. AMEN…

  4. Dear Chavakhiah. Today I learned that you are my Guardian Angel.

    Turquoise is my favourite colour and I have a lot of orange around me.

    I also love black tourmaline. I’m always drawn to it.

    When I read the information about you it resonates for me on a number of levels.

    Thank you for all the unseen and unknown work that you do for me and my family. I am grateful.

    Please communicate with with me, in a way that I can understand, If you would like me to do anything in particular on the physical realm for you, or in the service of your interests.

    I kindly and respectfully ask for some assistance with my family and myself.

    1) Our family is not harmonious. My mother, sister and I all suffer from mental health and emotional regulation issues. This means that people are always clashing. Can you please help us.

    2) I want to fix the relationship with my mother, and strengthen the relationship with my father.

    3) Regarding my mother, I would like to be able to truly forgive her, and for her to truly forgive me. For both of us to clear the slate. She is in a lot of pain and does not recognise it. She is reactive and unaware. It’s a huge ask… but can you please enlighten my mother and I (painlessly) to the point where we can love each other without conditions, release the past and have harmonious relationship.

    4) Please protect all members of my family. Please care for my grandmother and grandfather that suffering from dementia and other issues. Please ease their suffering while leaving them to live to the natural end.

    5) Please find a way to help my sister and I stop suffering from this invisible war and show us the path with clarity. Please enrich our lives with peace, love, freedom, financial abundance, luck, prosperity and good health. Please heal us from our conditions and suffering. Let us know inner peace and self love with conditions. Help us break the patterns of negative self talk and dysfunctional regulation.

    7) Please guide me with divine grace in my investing, trading, counselling, business, creative and health pursuits.

    6) Please show me an unmistakable and positive sign that you have heard my prayers.

    Thank you Chavakhiah.

    I am grateful. Our family is grateful.

    Thank you and Bless you.


    • Andrew! Hi! <3
      It just so happend that I read your message to Chavakhiah. I was touched by you’re soft and loving energy. I feel your pain through the words. I’ve been hanging around this website since january and I am now communicating with these energies on daily basis. Also during this time I broke up with my family.

      With my friends. It all took of when I was al alone at new years eve and so drunk and so so sad. Because my whole entire life I loved family and friends unconditional and in a way that my love for them was be being abel to do sacrifices.

      I have a family that is NOT healthy and when I find my self in need there was simply no one close that could offer me love. I stopped smoking two days after because I was so sick of all and any toxic behaviors, stopped drinking and started to do 10 push ups 10 sit ups three times a day, sat a work out alarm and then I started to practice diffret way to meditate and starting to recognize the hour, dubbel hours, so I found this site.

      And I started to set alarm everytime an angel who had exactly the energies that I was in need of, because it was so fucking freaking painful to realize that I never ever had recieved love. This is not true in all aspects because love is everything, but when you are conditiond to rescue your family and relationships and sacrifice your own life, love and focus – you are not on your way towards your own love.

      You are high jacked by the egos of the family and that is not their fault, it just is. And it is your lesson, and your mission to break free from that. Don’t be afraid to be mad, angry or anything, just be respectfulntowards your self. You have the right to own your own energy. Or else, your lost at sea, abandoning your own ship, trying to catch flying poop to not crush their sails. I can sens that you are scared.

      And I really want to give you a long hug to justify your feelings and emotions. You are strong and will be empowered by standing in your own authority – knowing how to respect your feelings and honoring your energies. Everyone has you being their journey by being self oriented. My best tip for you is Teal Swan, know thy self pod cast, hertz frequencie music and nice stones. You will find your way, and your family will be better off without you being emotionally trapped.

      Just take a step back and say a I will come back and help you when Im ready, now Its time I look after only me for a while. Things happends in a family dynamic when you pull put the plug. Some gets worse, some gets better. You are only holding up a toxic status quo and it puts hour soul in torment. Also, only surround your self with people who respects your journey and your energies and are open for your development. All love in the world. <3

  5. Angel Chavakhiah
    I don’t know what to say….at first thank you for every thing but now I need your help…..Please help me and family we all are in pain….please help my father…please help my mother…they re working hard but still we need more money….please help with this and heal my grandmothers.

  6. Hey Angel!!!
    I don’t know what to say….at first thank you for every thing but now I need your help…..Please help me and family we all are in pain….please help my father…please help my mother…they re working hard but still we need more money….please help with this

  7. I pray angel Chavakhiah that my family and I receive the light we need so our sacred bonds grow stronger, we reconciliate deeply as a family and be able to express our love to one another./

  8. i pray to Chavakhiah that the problems with my families financial and emotional stress of anxiety and fear as well as and jealousy and addiction will be reconciled and i need clear guidance for myself as well as my husband and daughter. please here this prayer.

  9. Please end my misery. and purify my flame. so that I can breathe fire on my enemies leaving only the purified gold of Jehovah’s creation.

  10. Just to thank you for the power you give and the ability to all who can perceive such as divinity. May our ambitions be always aligned to the PATH. May we always know the light for what it has shown those who care to be in its understanding and tutelage.

  11. thank you eternally Chavakiah for your peaceful presence and warm guidance. continue to protect me and surround me. enrapture me with peace and love and allow me to elevate to greater heights so many more can experience my vibration. amen. blessings. 1111

  12. I pray that all the problems, strife, negativity, unjust comments discrimination that I have experienced in my work situation and life for years be dissolved forever by the end of 2020. I pray I will be given the opportunity and grace to continue to heal and do God’s work in peace.

  13. I pray of the CHAVAKHIAH to bring me all the unlimited good luck in money, health, love, relations, etc for me and for CHAVAKHIAH!

  14. Please continue to protect my family and to give me strength during my conflict make me strong and happy and able to help the needy

  15. I pray that my Angel can bring peace through these times of trouble at my home in Jesus Christ of Nazerath name amen

  16. I pray and I ask thee dear Angel Chavakhiah to let there be harmony and love, obedience and peaceful harmonius between me and my kids and their partner in life or romantic relationships and also to my friends, relatives and employers… peace and love

  17. Thanksgiving Angel Chavakhiah. .. keep Being around me always. . Keep Expanding My Work,Finance better future always. . Thanks My Angel. ..

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