Poyel is the guardian angel for people born between December 27 and December 31. He has a masculine energy and represents the 5th and 10th degree of Capricorn. In the angel hierarchy he is a Principality, he is part of the sefirah of Netsah, and his governing Archangel is Haniel. His planetary energies are Venus / The Moon and he represents the element of Earth.
His name means: God Who Sustains the Universe.
He symbolizes: Power and Knowledge. He will give you anything you ask him for whether it relates to your finances, your recognition, your studies, or the way you express yourself. The angel Poyel's stone is Bull’s Eye and his colors are Magenta / Magenta. Of the 7 chakras, he rules over: Muladhara (The Root Chakra).
The qualities given to you by the angel Poyel
Poyel is the angel of luck and support. Pray to him, and he will bring you empathy, simplicity, and humility. Under his protection you will become a modest and simple person both in the way you act and in your behavior towards others. He will bring you wealth in all areas of your life while also giving you the gifts of providence.
Under the influence of the guardian angel Poyel, you will become a bringer of positive thoughts and positive atmospheres. With his help you will once again find hope and you will also become more confident about the future.
He will give you a great skill for speaking which will thus allow you to express yourself more simply and clearly. But that’s not all, this angel will also put you in a good mood every day and give you a good sense of humor. The guardian angel Poyel will also bring you good health.
The imbalances regulated by the angel Poyel
The angel Poyel with keep you from destitution and from all problems relating to a lack of income or prosperity. He will keep you from poor management of your resources and will also keep you from waste, excess, and the enticing pleasures of a worldly existence.
He will help change your behavior if you have a materialistic ideology or lifestyle. This angel will keep you from vanity and from showcasing your material wealth. He will help you if you are overly proud or ambitious or if you wish to rise above other people or put other people down. The angel Poyel will keep you from feelings of inferiority and superiority. This guardian angel will also protect you from accusations, skirmishes, disdain, apprehensions, and feelings of mediocrity.
He has the power to make sure that you do not lack happiness and that there is no false joy, false smiles, or false laughter in your life. He will bring happiness into your heart if you are sad or if you have a bad temper. He will also protect you from illness.
The guardian angel Poyel will fix your speaking problems and keep you from making jokes which secretly hide your judgments or desires.
When should I communicate with the angel Poyel?
Time - Physical:
December 27 - December 31
Time - Intellectual:
18:20 - 18:40
Time - Emotional:
March 4, 00:00 - 23:59
May 16, 00:00 - 23:59
July 31, 00:00 - 23:59
October 13, 00:00 - 23:59
December 24, 00:00 - 23:59
What can I ask the angel Poyel?
Pray to the patron guardian angel Poyel so that he may help you to overcome your shyness in order to make you a better speaker and help you win the recognition of others.
If you feel forsaken, all you have to do is call upon the generosity of this angel. He can bring goodness, selflessness, sweetness, humility, and modesty into your life as well as a better temper and greater femininity. With his help you will have the power to tell the difference between appearance and reality.
Ask for the help and support of this angel and wealth will be at your door. This doesn’t just mean material wealth but also wealth in every other aspect of your existence. He will also help you to live your life simply and effortlessly without needing to show off or fake how much wealth you have so as to avoid provoking the envy of others.
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78 responses to “Poyel”
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Thank you Angel Poyel for watching over me. Thank you for always providing financial prosperity and abundance to me and my family, without harm to others. Thank you for allowing to speak more clearly and speak more openly. Thank you for continuing to provide me with happiness and joy
My Angel Poyel

I AM so happy to connect with you. Please heal me of this illness that has tormented me for the majority of my life. I need your help to bring my daughter safely back to me so I can raise her in the best environment and she can use her gifts to help the planet and bring happiness and wholeness to her life. Please resolve this court case ASAP so I can be made whole, name cleared, fully compensated, receive liquid and punitive damages and the judges will see the truth and give me all I asked for. Also that I find the best homes in Florida for myself and family and my mom gets better and I will do the work I came down here to do Thank you so very much.
My Angel Poyel by the time I know your are my Lord,I really happy cause you are so sweet and nice,I love you,and I want you come closer to my life and stay with for ever.
You’re innocence and faithful heart is abundantly clear. Generous blessings and peace is your destiny. Love and respect my friend
My dear angel Poyel, thank you for your protection and guidance. I continue to ask for abundance in all directions and areas of my life. I am grateful for the gift of life. Thank you
Thank you my Guardian Angel Poyel I love you so much along with my leader and creator The Omega and Masculine Alpha in this universe my Father God. I know you working along my father God to make things possible, Gaurdian Angel Poyel please keep me and my family from harm’s way and may you help keep up financially stable to contain things we want but importantly need to survive. Physically spirtually and mentally may I be growing spiritually in Jesus’ name I pray Amen
I am grateful
, “Who You says I am 

Guardian angel Poyel, I ask you to guide me to make the best decisions for my son’s future, and to see the best opportunities for both of us to be financially successful. I have struggled long enough, and it is time for a change. I plead for you to guide me where I belong.
My guardian angel Poyel, I badly neet your help. Please make me successful in the given entrance exam or else my life will be hell. Please listen to me. I promise I will be a very good person and help everyone. Bt I need your help. Please make that impossible wish into possible. Thank u so much
Poyel – I ask for forgiveness for everything I have ever done. I beg you to show me you are there, show me you care and that you hear my prayer…please set me free imminently.
I give thanks to God for you, Poyel. Thank you for watching over us.
Lord poyel- please fill my life with love happiness and beauty.
Poyel – I ask for forgiveness for everything I have ever done. I beg you to show me you are there, show me you care and that you hear my prayer…please set me free imminently.
Lord Poyel I ask for your favour in my examinations and in financial breakthrough
my guardian angel Poyel please help me to pass all my subjects and financial breakthrough.
Lord Poyel I ask your favor in a financial blessing for my son and myself, that our home mabe continue and be blessed. That we are able to maintain, I thank you, and I thank you for RLC and it’s success! Blessings and love
Angel Poyel,
Thank you for bringing me closer to Jesus the Lord. As I am born on December 27th, please bless me with your favor and light. Thank you for everything. Amen.
Angel Poyel,
May you please grant my family and I with Unlimited Health, Unlimited Wealth, Unlimited Currency, Unlimited Resources, Abundance and Protection from all Evil. Gratitude and Appreciation.
My Beloved angel Poulenc,Lord. I need you please becuz i need! Pls take me to another level of life that I’ll experience good life with wealth. And always protect me from evil ones pls cuz the world is full of evil and fake ones pls guide me Dopse Aniekan for the rest of my life on earth. What’s is about to come my way in few days from now pls Great Poyel let it comes to manifestation and no one nor evil can hinder my blessings. Help me to know your signs and my spiritual powers! Thanks for hearing my beloved guardian angel Poyel!

Guardian Angel Poyel
Continue watching over me and my family. Keep us safe and blessed.
Guardian Poyel,
Thank You! Continue your blessings on my life in all areas. Guard and Guide me towards my truth. Grant me luck in all I do. Let me be a poowerful light that shines on the world in the fullness of God!
Oh Poyel my Guardian Angel.
I pray for you and your loved ones. Protect us with your divine spirit and shine your divine light over us as we continue to receive your blessings.
I pray for you.
My Angel Poyel, thank you for this time of meeting I pray healing in my body, increased finance and the ability to speak unabashedly to those I am committed to serve.
Thank you so much Poyel for your healings and blessings. Please heal me from my past and help me with my journey of love and relationships. Thank you for your guidance Poyel
My Dear Guardian Angel Poyel please heal my body mind and soul help me to sleep at night and wake up in the morning I need luck on Oct. 26-31 So I don’t have to go back to that awful job Please help me with my plans Hope’s and dreams THANK YOU my LOVING GUARDIAN ANGEL POYEL
My Guardian Angel Poyel, please help me finish my doctoral study within this semester. My main problem is how to complete my gathering of data where my participants/respondents are greatly affected with new normal scheme in this pandemic time. Please guide me on what to do to convince them to reply to the questionnaires I sent to theme via online. I truly believe that you can assist, help, and guide me in solving this problem. Thank you!
My guardian angel Poyel, I need for my book to get published, I need for my company to be successful so that I may help the people, the Divine send in my path. I need to complete the studies with flawless effort and graduate as a License Therapist, so that I may professionally help Our Creator children. I need to remain humble at all times. I must achieve my Dr. Of Divinity License, as well as my S.O.U.L. Therapist License. I believe I was called to love and help all people, unfortunately, It’s hard to do without, resources, network, support, believers, power, and a steady flow of financial ability and comfort. I need to edit my 7 Cha kras, my Clairvoyant abilities and my Spiritual gifts. I also need guidance with understanding all religions and beliefs. I need David to be guided by the Spirit not the carnival world and to be my number one support team.
Thank you
Firstly Give thanks to the most High creator.
Poyel thank you for watching over us I ask for your help in making me a better person to have more patience in all I do , to not let me harbour any bad feelings for others .
I ask you to please protect my family my children especially from any evil sickness and to give us all peace health wealth and happiness.. open the door to our destiny and guide us without obstacles or blockages x Ase
My guardian angel Poyel i’m praying to you for help for peace to be free mentally,physically, financially, and emotionally to move on with happiness for a brighter future for my daughter whose depending on me as her mother.
Poyel my beloved angel. Set me free from the bondage of the evil one.
Help me in my financies, in my education, my career and most of all to get the love of my life and give me also good health and peace of mind and unity in my family. Thank you my angel poyel for doing all these for me.
My angel Poyel, I want to communicate with you and I also want you to help me physically heal from my ails. I also want you to keep my family safe.
Angel Poyel

Please keep my good friend safe from harm. He is in the hospital awaiting surgery. During COVID-19
Please also watch out for my children and others who are in need of protection.
Lord Poyel
I give praise to you.I want you to support my root bless my soul open the door of financial breakthrough for me thank you for I mote it
Oh, YOU, POYEL, My Guardian Angel,
Open for me, IOANA, the Doors of Luck in the coming period,
Which promises to favor my projects!
For this, thank you sincerely in advance!
Amen~ I pray you have continued success and everlasting joy in what you do. Powerful and disciplined practice is obvious in your rounds
Much love and respect sister.
Love and light
My Angel POYEL, I want to communicate with You, there are a lot of issues I want to tell you. Please help me.
My glory, my almighty angel Poyel,
I was lost and you found me today .
I Thank you for your grace upon me and am now forever humbled by your presence. Please continue to guide me as you have for so long without my knowledge. Teach me and bless my mind and heart so that I may continue to bring positive energy and overall peace into my life and world around me. Forgive me Blessed Poyel, I know I’ve strayed from light and suffered internally with anger and emotions that only hurt my spirit and mind. Take these from me , Bless me as you have. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for me .
Dear My Guardian Angel Poyel…thank that i have found you i know it’s God’s will that I have found y9 because am searching for my guardian angel eversince my mind open to the world i thank you thank you come in my most darkest tome to ask you to lead me to the light of this my present life Amem
Angel Poyel,
First of all i ask for your forgiveness if i did something wrong or hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally.
Please bless me and my family with health, abundance and gratitude to make us able to live and try to make this world a better place every single day on this earth.
Thank you for all the blessings which already are on their way.
My beloved angel poyel protect us and my family and heal us
My guardian angel poyel heal me and my mother too i love you angel poyel and guard me.
Good evening my angel poyel,
Please help me in my financial problems, protect my families health and me too. Help me to have my own house and give me promotion to become support office in my place of work and please my angel poyel help me to win a lottery.
dear angel,
please help me have a financial breakthrough, help me with my relationships, and friendships, help me be perceived positively and destroy grudges.
Good morning ,my angel poyel,I need healing in my body, financial and a long life to leave with my family and protect my b’job without my b’job I am nothing ..
My angel poyel, I need healing in my body, financial and career breakthrough and business breakthrough too. Grant me total freedom in every area of my life.
My Angel Poyel, please keep me from feeling discouraged. Give me the strength to move forward with my family healthy productively financially educationally and successfully positively.
Thank you Amen
Please keep my head safe and guided.thank you for everything before..
My guardian angel protect me and give me wealth in all aspects of my life
My guardian angel Poyel thank you for your presence in my life, and I ask that you help me financially, emotionally and in other areas of my life.
Dear Angel Poyel, I am heartbroken, I need your healing my life especially on the area of health, heal me of the infection I have, please Angel Poyel I need an instant financial breakthrough, I also need a better international connection.
Use me by making financially buoyant so that I can set things right in my family and eradicate poverty out of my family.
Help me to ask I am to start my journey in communicating with you, turn my life from nobody to Extra ordinary somebody in my community and family.
Thank you for answering me.
Angel poyel, thank you…I am SOOOOOO grateful and blessed that you are my guardian angel…please keep my family and friends safe and well in happiness, health and wealth. I wish happiness on them all…
Please help me to get over all this pain my body is inflicting on me…please guide me to make the correct decisions in my life, continue me on this journey and shower me too with happiness, health and wealth…
Please keep the love between me and my husband eternal…
Thank you..thank you..thank you…
my dear angel poyel..please help me to enhance my career..
Dear Poyel,
Thank you for being beside me in this timeline,
Hope you are well and powerful, all my faith, hope and energy for you!
All the best,
Phuong Pham
Praying for :
#To steadfastly seek out,love, worship and faithfully serve my Lord (Logos),
# Family peace, unity, harmony and prosperity in Yr 2020.
#Breakthrough and success in my assignment, projects and businesses that are in initiation, ongoing and roll out stages,
#My children to seek out,love and serve the LORD in all they pursue to do.
# My family (nuclear and extended), homes, business premises, assets and property be under Elohim watchful eyes perpetually.
#I shall live to testify of God’s goodness in Yr 2020 and throughout my life in the land of the living, Amen
My Guidian angel poyel appear unto me . I need your divine assistance in every facet of my life and all my endeavors
My angel poyel help me with financial breakthrough.
Dearest my guardian angel Poyel, thank you for guarding me and guiding me all the time. Please protect me and along with my family from any harm and deceitfulness of an enemy such as evil and demons and in this tricky world. I pray and wish to God through Jesus Christ name to bless you more power to guide and guard me. <3
My Guardian Angel Poyel I pray that you make me a truly better person, I pray that for the rest of my days I can be of great benefit to the people around me.
My Angel poyel please guide me way into my destiny and help me in my troubles with life challenges in finances, love and career
Panel my best friend.. Tanx for revealing yourself to me. Tanx for being kind even when I have not recognized u. Make me a far better person. Give me full wisdom. Connect me with a man of wisdom as husband. And bless us with 4 kids that gives God glory. Protect my dad and my siblings and give u long life and prosperity Amen
My beloved angel, please I need money to survive. I need the love of my life to come back to me.
My lovely angel poyel please give me financial stability and peaceful life
My guarding angel poyel I need instant financial breakthrough. Amen
Guard and protect me
since I lost my mother I’ve been struggling to survive
oh my guardian angel poyel
don’t let me lack anything in life
don’t allow me to loose
put me among other being who are successful inlife
Dearest Poyel,
You have been watching over me since I was born and I am now asking for your help in my life. I need love, health and good fortune in order to good things. Please help me give my family the best in life. I am most grateful for all that you do to protect and guide me.
My beloved guardian angel Poyel pls provide me with financial breakthrough, love and peace in my heart pls bring peace between me and my sister pls protect my kids always protect my home I am asking for increased salary pls help me
I want to thank the lord Jesus for sending my Angel Poyel to me today for guidance and protection, for making me a better person and appreciative to all humanity and life. For giving me the opportunity to pray with gravity, not like with the anxiety of a hose pipe but more like a fire hose with power and willingness and the utmost faith. May Poyel Guide me each day with Sincere Love and Thankfulness, also to guide and help me make the right decisions and may Poyel guide me in the correct direction of opportunities and success, not only in work and life in my faith and believes too. Thank you for making your appearance to me on this day today.
My loving guardian Angel Poyel, I need you both now and always. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. I’ve been benefiting from you all through my life without knowing you in person. Pls help me to know you more. With love and respect…. NICAUG
Angel Poyel, please give me financial breakthrough, help me with may business and please give me good health.
Thank you so much!
Poyel, please guide me mentally and physically
May god help me succeed for my future
I feel so weird doing this but ive seen enough to believe to some extent. So if you exist, if you are the one who has been showing me these signs, you know what im talking about. i guess i just want to thank you for watching over me. i know its hard for you to actually help me with these people but i would greatly appreciate a sign as to what i should do. im conflicted on how to retaliate.. Will there be redemption if i go down that path,.
My Gardian Angel Poyel,
I pray to you that all people around me are successful and in good health. I pray to you that all my children will have abundance in health, love and peace. Things that money wont buy. I pray that I continue to have resiliency in all aspects on life and find peace and my true love.
Dear Angel Poyel,thank you for everything u”ve been doing for me.please guide, protect and bless me with good health and prosperity with long life,give me joy in my heart and direct me to my destiny helpers, let your favour be upon me,my children,my work,my marriage and my family…….. Amen
My ANGEL poyel please keep me safe help me with this period let it stop and please help me to get a financial breakthrough .
Please let bignall law firm call me re pearnel’s accident
And please help me with my kids
Jason. Jr
Jada please help me that Jason sr will not cheat anymore
Please let mark and pearnel Gilpin start paying me what they owes me
I need you ANGEL poyel to be there for me thank you
My angel Poyel, I need you to heal me please.
My angel poyel i need you to keep me safe
My beloved angel, I love you. Keep me safe from all the evils
MY Angel poyel, I need your help, on everything.